TNT Megahub Update

Thank you so much Grimdian, I can find the hub on Cardas using your information! Much appreciated. Took me a bit of further reading, to figure out there is a Dragon hub alternative, which I havent had on my locations lists… Until now. Super helpful thanks!

Home not destination. I am moving items from my storage on McRib tomy project on Angel1. Mc Rib is home to half of my Oortians. Angel1 home to 4 others.

Carry on fellow Orrtians past and present, I love you all!


the TNT hub was basically moved to Dragon’s location - they pretty much preserved the set up of planetary portals, malls and sovereign connections and the farms access

some planetary hubs changed hands (for example Finata), but all in all it’s all working almost the same


Cardas Hive was offline (I was traveling the Hive from Mc Rib to TNTMegaHub), I was surprised by the sudden change and blocked path to my usual traveling.

I’ve made it to Angel1. I’m good, thank you very much.

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but the planet name is so much less readable


I actually didn’t notice that. Curious now to log in even if just to take a look at that lol.

For projects like this, I just open a portal between destinations and get the stuff moved. Then close it after I’ve done all I need. Have you ever tried this?

I’m not Japanese, reading top-down doesn’t feel natural to me. (And wasn’t the text red a few days ago?)


Maybe not natural but totally possible. Im sure you will adjust.


Ah that’s what you meant.

And yes, it was red. Better now though me thinks.


Yes. But some people commented because we do have a few people who are various types of color blind.


Actually your brain automatically adjusts. Kind of like those posts you see with letters and words backwards or numbers inserted and yet you can read it. The brain is a magical thing.


It would likely take a couple of portals, Mcrib is a t6 and a long way from Angel I

For some of these it reads easy to me, like Raxxa, but ones like Trior is hard for my brain to make sense of when it’s in the new style. Probably a touch of dyslexia on my end though, I keep seeing the O first, something to do with size or something

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It is much better that way, even for non-color blind people!

For me it was easy too , the old Signs at TNT to read, the new one at Dragon Hub are more difficult for me to read, but maybe im too old ; )



I find it easier to read the Dragon Hub signs. :crazy_face: The sideways signs always made me want to tilt my head at a weird angle to make the text the right direction.


i prefer this, easy to read at first glance

this one - it take time to adjust head poasition to read this properly
simply - its way harder to say at first glance where it lead

i prefer TNT version


our brains differ so no way you can make everyone happy :nerd_face:


Its just something to get used too, before you know its a normal thing


There are two shops I can’t find at the new Dragon Hub: Ultima and Fantasy Tree. Help, am I blind?