Top relatively-easy to implement QoL changes

I’d like to make a list of the top easy to implement QoL changes. Things that should take a few hours or less to add (not to implement or test). Nothing fancy here please. (I posted in general since I’m not suggesting these, merely collecting them, but feel free to recategorize this Major if you like)

Please don’t post your criticism for ideas here, just list ideas. If you think an idea is a bad idea, feel free to make a fresh thread for it and post a link to it here (just to keep things organized and avoid this thread devolving into the usual)

Maybe the devs can then “cherry pick” some easy things to implement. Here’s a few of my own ideas (I’ll update the OP as more people post):

  • Auto sorting storage option (maybe using an auto door spanner)
  • Two slots for oort in portals
  • AoE chisels
  • Extra 8 slots in inventory
  • Give all players the portal opening skill
  • Add a faster deplotter
  • Borderless stone and wood signs
  • Add titanium doors to the game
  • Option to disable snow (or make it have 50% opacity) without modding
  • Option to highlight meteors without modding
  • Option to hide the UI on PS4 without a keyboard (on options screen)
  • Option to float by default in water (this would be especially helpful on PS4)
  • Increase oort drops from meteors (rebalance)
  • Increase bean drops from gathering (rebalance)
  • Add new texture options for citizens - fishscales, furred, feathered, wrinkly, bug-eyed etc - to give us “new races” without having to change the character models (probably more than an hour’s work, but not THAT much more, and this is heavily requested)
  • Craft-30 option on machines
  • Cancel-all option on machines
  • Fly mode within your own beacons (for building)
  • Do something about delayed PMs (maybe give people an auto reply on their first PM of the day “warning PMs may be delayed up to 30 minutes”, and auto default to whisper when available, even from mailboxes)
  • “Creep” and “sprint” indicators as an option (but not default)
  • Show machine statuses for proper permissions (wear and what crafting)
  • Add new sorting category “Has permissions” for beacons and advanced locks
  • Naming skillpages
  • option to Show status indicator in UI for current skillpage
  • option to Show status indicator in UI if plot mode is on
  • Show planet (and location) on beacon list without collapsing data
  • Use same listing for warping and places (Warping listing is more clumsy than Places)
  • Private/Incognito/DND mode (Do not show yourself online on friend list, allow players to locate or warp to you)
  • Add third color for fertilized crops, maybe a glow
  • Add a visualization for request baskets with “stuff” in them or shop stands with coin in them (visible only to the owner and those with permissions), maybe a glow
  • Option for wider lines for block-in-focus indicator when using a chisel, current one is really hard to spot sometimes
  • instant return to sanctum while in home beacon
  • shorten logout/return to sanctum/change character time from 10 to 3 seconds
  • switch skill pages on any plot where you have build permissions
  • a way for alts/others to set their home beacon to your main’s home w/o beacon shenanigans… And by extension be able to switch their skill pages freely in that beacon.
  • A way to eject spark without breaking spark generators
  • Flip signs with chisels
  • Ability to place signs “back-to-back”
  • Rotation chisel
  • Add the expiration date of a beacon (day, month, year) in the mouse-over tooltip when looking at said-beacon.
  • Rework the ‘plot removal’ effect on the sides of the plot you’re targeting so that it doesn’t flash white anymore, and instead flashes a something like a big diagonal Red Cross
  • “one per customer” shop stands
  • option to take specific music tracks out of the rotation when they get old
  • split beacons
  • merge beacons
  • minimap with altitude and coordinates
  • some sort of benefit to putting farms on high tier planets

You know me too well lol! Yes, I would move it to the suggestions category, but it looks more like you are gathering data…in a way.

I would simply like instant chat.

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Probably not a 1 hour or less fix haha

Few things you could add to list (not saying any of these would be easy)

  • Show machine statuses for proper permissions (wear and what crafting)
  • Add new sorting category “Has permissions” for beacons and advanced locks
  • Naming skillpages
  • Show status indicator in UI for current skillpage
  • Show status indicator in UI if plot mode is on
  • Show planet (and location) on beacon list without collapsing data
  • Use same listing for warping and places (Warping listing is more clumsy than Places)
  • Private/Incognito/DND mode (Do not show yourself online on friend list, allow players to locate or warp to you)

Rofl… that’s funny!


I think you’re confusing “easy to implement” with “something that looks easy to implement but might actually be a ton of work” :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s definitely a good few small ones in there, but there are also a good few ones that, even without knowing the codebase, i know from experience can be a huge pain.

Also, can we stop suggesting this? I’ve argued against this 100 times now. There are 0 good arguments for it, that don’t conflict directly with the cause vs symptom treatment.

Increasing oort does NOT solve the issue. If you like i can list the arguments once again, but this is not a solution. I’d love more oort, i closed most of my portals because i just don’t hunt. But you have to combat the cause, not the symptom.

  • Add third color for fertilized combustion (not sure how other crops handle this)

I harvest individual plants when roughly third of a field is mature. Having fertilized and mature plants have the same color is annoying to no end. Random height of models doesn’t help either, but color would be extreme improvement. My head literally hurts sometimes trying to focus on what plants are ready to harvest and what plants are just fertilized.
This would take a minute to add.


There’s no indicator for regular crops either. Added.

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Different, more compact views for crafting menus.

More inventory shortcuts (such as dropping a single item from a held stack by right-clicking)

This might be a personal preference:

  • wider lines for block-in-focus indicator when using a chisel, current one is really hard to spot sometimes
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how about 1 slot for each shard/hour?

I think this… or rather a rework on how skills work, is planed / being considered that would address this issue

Forged plotters/ de-plotters?


  • instant return to sanctum while in home beacon
  • a way for alts/others to set their home beacon to your main’s home w/o beacon shenanigans… And by extension be able to switch their skill pages freely in that beacon.
  • An auto follow feature? lol nvm too exploitable
  • screenshot mode - giving you temporary control over time of day and whether effects… Maybe a sort of spectator mode with silky smooth camera control…
  • A way to eject spark without breaking spark generators
  • larger stack sizes for basic resources (i.e. rock, sand, gravel, dirt etc)


  • Tools for building, as in being able to place multiple blocks at a time, could be a forge effect for spanners… Maybe have a stack of blocks be insertable into it like augments… Or the tool could place whatever is in the other hand (exp would most likely have to be action based and not block based to prevent aoe-block-placement-leveling :cheese: )

A lot of those are most definitely not a one hour project but nonetheless quality of life :thinking:


Like Sujimichi88, you think some things will be easy to do, but you’re dead wrong.

Definitely far more than 1 hour of work. Oh god. It hurts just thinking about it.
I mean, ask @georgegroeg how long he spends on one body-paint, even when having the player-character UV on hand. There will always be some try and error to avoid some textures from stretching.
Fishscales, maybe that might look good with just some textures, but fur and feathers, nope. It would look HORRIBLE with just a textures on the current model.
Personally, no. I’d rather wait for actual 100% new races instead of ‘quick fixes’ that would look like modded skins. ^^

That being said, if we ignore the mention “Things that should take an hour or less to add” which will without the shadow of a doubt make the devs cringe, yeah, most of what you listed sounds pretty good.

I’d say some things could use some added requirements, though. Like “extre 8 slots in inventory” should have a requirement, like leveling or something. Not just “here ya go, +8 inventory for everybody”.


It’s not a perfect list I’m well aware. Ok let’s stay on topic with suggestions please :blush:

If you guys want to make a separate thread “some of DK’s suggestions would take way more than an hour” to link here and discuss which suggestions would take less or more time (for those with programming experience) I won’t consider it naming and shaming, and think it would actually be useful to the community - especially if people want to really go through the list and describe what would have to be done and how long it would take for each.

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That’d be a long list :stuck_out_tongue: There’s so much overhead in programming, automation, manual testing, release, etc etc.
In general, unless it’s correcting a typo somewhere, anything mentioned will take at least half a day total.


Please please please :pleading_face:


what if holding the craft-button had an auto repeat function built into it?
it could have a slight delay before starting that mirrors this already-in-game-option:
lol there could even be an attribute to effect the speed of the repeat… Control? Dexterity?


“What are your most wanted QoL changes?”, would prob get you better results :wink:


There’s a Logout? I just Exit the Game on PlayStation lol


Sanctum is offline, so technically going to sanctum is logging out :slight_smile:

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Let’s not forget that (last I heard) any addition has to be approved by Sony to go through on PS4, and they tend to release stuff simultaneously. ^^
So yeah, like Majorvex said, maybe the way the thread is worded could be reworked.

Personally, aside from the ‘new races’ thing, and ignoring the claims of some things being ‘easy’ or ‘take more or less one hour to do’, I’d say the rest sounds pretty good.

But a few might need some further discussion, still.

Like the fly mode in home beacon.
This one doesn’t seem to have been thought all the way through, just thrown on the wall to see if it sticks.

What happens when you leave your home beacon? Do you crash down if you’re flying high? Shouldn’t it have like an obvious 10 seconds countdown on the screen before the power fades?
And wouldn’t this be overkill, like giving a bit of dev-powers to players?
Would it have any requirements like GC? Just… anyone can suddenly fly in their home? I can see a number of odd behaviors this would create, like people making floating builds at sky-limit and only the owners can go there because nobody else can grapple that far or build some get even close to it… which… isn’t inherently wrong, buuuuut… if too many people start doing variants of stuff like that…

I’d rather get a new tool. World of Warcraft added gravity packs (that only work in one zone), for instance.
I’m thinking about some kind of gravity-backpack you’d have to craft and equip (which would require the addition of armor / player equipment), and you’d have to fuel it (kinda like the jetpack in Satisfactory), but it’d allow you to fly in a stable manner in the sky and stay stationary like WoW’s, and depending on the pack itself, you’d fly at different speeds. This would also allow people to do some nice camera moves (like @Jiivita can do :stuck_out_tongue: ).

The point I’m making is that I think it’s wrong to aim at a sh!t-ton of ideas that could be dumbed-down to be implemented for the sake of speed. Up until now, you gotta admit, the stuff the devs do are of a certain quality. I kinda want them to continue producting content of quality.

So I’d rather they took the time needed to make a proper gravity back pack than just add magic-god-mod-flight in home-beacon.

However, stuff like “add ‘craft 30’ to all machines”, no problem, let’s go let’s go!