Trading anything I find (my continuing stash) for Better tools and possibly fancy blocks

If you use the pie I gave you, you will level up much faster. Just make sure you eat it right before you start mining or crafting a lot of items. :wink:

Your place is looking really nice. I love the winding staircases & foliage :+1:

The following is my personal opinion.
Aside of big hunts, crafting XP still beats Hunting and gathering xp by far. So, getting insane because no skill Points means more crafting.
Sure you can Play this game as a pure builder/Merchant. But then learn the Prices and dont let People tell you what the Price is :slight_smile:
Are you on Right now? /nm i think you said you logged.

I ditched hunting, tried with maxed out armors etc, went to a level 3 danger zone and… it got boring, just ended up collecting bones etc over and over. So I’m tool centered (without masteries though I got a few unspent skill points) with the 3 tools to gather. XP does seem higher this way your’e right.

Also placed level one in a few crafts though I’ll figure all that out I think once I stock up on mats I’m gathering while exploring. The “WAXY” (not raw) earthyam is where I stopped last time before I was able to build the spark generator, was none near me, but I have other planets access now.

Questions since I don’t want to make another topic,
Picked up a nice bunch of a hammer and its killing 4+ blocks per hit (opposed to one at a time), is that a damage factor? Or some other stat?

In the lower level planets it doesn’t seem necessary using a shovel with this hammer, underground i mean. XP is going much faster with this thing, lol.

Yes forged Tools. Right click them to see some stats.
You Need a good balance between using high Money cost items and getting the items back to sell to make the income.
Build a crysominter andsee what you can do with it. Maybe some Basic crafting stations to get a higher payout.

That’s probably the forged 3x3 hammer I gave you! And yes it hits nine blocks at a time with more damage added as well. This is all done using a centra forge!

Also, pop one of those fast brews you will go even faster!


What a strangely familiar situation! That’s when I developed my drinking problem… :joy:

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Lol. Popped one today and burned the hammer plus one in a clearance section at one of the malls. I think i got 2 levels just smashing Everything underground at Gyosa Ophin. Got a lot of coal now : |

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Make sure to Keep the coal until you compact it.
I use compacted peat for furnaces and compacted coal for spark Generation.

First one is free!!! :joy:

Hmmm, I solely use compacted hard coal for furnaces and anything else is for spark generation…

For cheap, super easy to mass aquire amounts, nothing beats compacted peat

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Well i Need hundreds of wax each day, so peat is a better way for me. :slight_smile:

Well, I mine quite often so that means I do get a lot of coal. And compacted hard coal makes furnaces go fastest any other fuel just gives spark at a certain rate, hence why I always use compacted hard coal for furnaces and anything else goes into the spark gen!

Seconded. Nothing cooks like compact hard coal. It does require high level mining and powered machines though.

Spark generators eat stick, trunk, timber, peat, compacted peat, coal, compacted coal, anything. I feel like I’m forgetting something. With a bank of them set up you can get a load of spark in fair time with basically any fuel.

Yeha watch out for Aenea. It’s literally her business to get you hooked on high end tools and consumables.

She’s a great dealer though. Solid connections and almost always comes through. Stay out of the way if you see her zooming around. She’s known to break the first rule of dealing on a regular basis.

I still live on Raxxa, a ways west of you. I like to barter and I have most of the things you’re asking for. Except forged tools, much of which I also get from Aenea. I have unforged tools from copper to all gems and tons of refined and crafted blocks. I mostly sell rocks and such at this time but I have plenty of other types to barter and rarely spend much time gathering surface resources these days.

Also my build is a largely “natural” theme of wood, timber, foliage, lots of grass and plants, etc… we can swap tours. I don’t build a lot but I do frequently try and support enthusiastic builders with limited playtime.

If you open the chat interface and select “whisper” you can see who is currently on the same planet with you. I don’t see your in game name here but most of my characters start with ‘night’ so if you see me online feel free to chat.


So i came to check out this guy’s place.

I found him idling in a hole nearby being guarded by a spitter. Once i determined he was AFK I started expanding the cave around him, just a little. I left him standing on a single floating rock in the middle of a giant void. But he was still AFK.

I didn’t want to turn a harmless prank into a griefing situation and I have no idea what tools he has. I opened up the ceiling so he can see at least. It’s been a little over 40 minutes :laughing:

Ah well i have to go AFK myself for a few minutes ~ We’ll see if this isn’t the perfect time for him to return.

EDIT: welll it’s been a little over two hours now, I’m off to smash up Kol Huroo for a while.

I dropped 2 extra pairs of grapples on him so he can surely get out and filled him up with the resources from the cave and rocks. :man_shrugging:


He is meditating.

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Holy carp that took me way too long to understand 'cos the caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet! :joy:

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I can’t speak for that person, but if it were me, I’d have completely cracked up. :rofl: Good prank!

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This is brilliant :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, was wondering what was going on when logged in, LOL
edit: I remember now, woke up i think, I first thought my entire base regenerated.