Trouble reopening portals

Lately, like since the last update, I’ve noticed that when a portal closes due to running out of Oort, you cannot reopen it. It reacts as if the portal on the other side has been moved or broken)… when you go to the destination side the portal shows open until you walk up to it. Then it closes and you can go back to the origination portal and open it.

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I have had this same issue lately that portal state from open to closed has not updated before visiting also “exit” -side.

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Can you go into a bit more detail if possible? When you say it cannot be reopened, did you select the option to open the portal and nothing happens, or does the game display a message on-screen explaining why it could not be reopened?

I add the Oort, and press the button to open the portal… it then acts like it will open, but fails. There is a display and it indicates it a problem at the destination. When I go to the destination the portal appears open, but it closes once you try to go through it. Then you can go open the portal from the origination as normal.

I just filled all my portals yesterday…

Thanks for the responses. Could you submit game logs just before those situations (i.e. a game log after selecting the option to open the source portal, which then subsequently fails, and a game log after the destination portal closes when attempting to go through it)?

I had this happen to my store, a customer couldn’t come through the open portal. To remedy this I had to rebuild the portal and open it again. Haven’t had that problem since. But yes if I stand close to my portal when opening it times out when connecting to server, but if I step back and do it, it opens fine,

I’m PS4. Not sure if I’m able. But the next time it happens I will send a SS if what the log says on the screen. :blush:

Open the Main Menu -> Support -> Report tab. You will find options here for reporting issues and submitting game logs.

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Ok. It happened again this morning. This time I sent in the game log.

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Thanks for the game log. I’ve added this to the bug database for someone to look at.