🐲 Twistted Dragon - Weekly Community Hunt 9PM to 12AM EST Tonight

Our sister guild Vikings will be running our hunt tonight, as we are beginning to prepare for some changes to our Wednesday night hunts that we are sure the community will love. We will be updating everyone in the coming week on our plans!
Please read below on where to meet. @RazorsEdge will be leading the hunt and the raffle will still happen at the end at Twisted Dragon Hunt Lodge!

Hunt Leader: @RazorsEdge
Time: 2021-02-25T02:00:00Z2021-02-25T05:00:00Z
Planet: Valhalla
Best Weapon: Diamond
Protection Required: 1 Caustic
Platform hunt

Weekly Jackpot Drawing - 40k, Hvitr donated his winnings last week to this weeks pot!
3 Bows
3 Grapples

Discord voice chat available! SEE BELOW!

Meet up at Valahlla you can reach Valhalla through Twisted Dragon Portal Hub or through their portal a few portals down from ours to the right in TNT Mega Hub in the sovereigns portal section on the side.

Join us on discord!