Unable to leave sanctum. Too many beacons?

I can log into the sanctum, but as soon as I step through the portal it disconnects immediately.
I am going to my base on my home planet which is on the server closest to me (minorengle on USW I’m in California), and my internet is fine. What I was doing immediately before this was fueling and deleting a beacon to try to complete the Home Insurance V challenge, and now that I’m in the sanctum trying to warp to different areas I can see that each time I fueled the beacon it created a new unnamed beacon and now I have a ton of them in the locations list. Is there a way to delete those unnamed beacons that don’t exist anymore?

yeah its messed up i have a bunch off non existing beacons that stuck in my lists and some even notify me they low on fuel def something weird going on with beacon list since release

Fantastic, thank you. I was only looking in the warp locations not the places menu. I’ll delete these and see if that fixes the problem.

You’re welcome. Not sure it will help with your problem, but at least now you know that bit.
Hope it helps. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Yes as I suspected it was too many beacons. Having an absurd amount of beacons cause problems isn’t an unexpected issue I guess, but having a feat that encourages this is stupid. They really need to take a look at their feats because many of them are not only unobtainable without an insane grind, but apparently capable of highlighting the technical issues with this game.

I was going for Home Insurance V, which is Days of Beacon Fuel added: 100000. Each basic beacon fuel adds 4 weeks (28 days) so to accomplish this feat you have to add 3,572 basic beacon fuel to beacons. Seems fine but what I didn’t realize was that each one added was also making a location haha! I think I had around 1,500 beacons, but a simple cap on the beacons where when you try to add a new one when you’re at that cap will push the last one off the list would easily solve this.

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I believe Minorengle was experiencing some issues earlier.

Could have just been a coincidence; not sure.

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Tbh I saw him talking about it in discord and I was wondering if too many beacons broke the server or if it was just bad coincidence :joy: glad it got sorted though


Yeah I doubt that was the problem, but then again I can’t say either way. Still a funny thought tho :joy:

Holy Smokes!

I think if I was going to grind that out I would just use one beacon. I’m not even sure if I’ve placed 1500 plots.

You can place a ton of beacons within 1 plot so that might have been more likely what he was doing.

Beacon controllers within the same beacon don’t create a new location, do they?

I’m not sure if they accept fuel if the master is already maxed, either. Never had a reason to test it though TBH.

Since they added “delete beacon” you can just fuel -> delete ->fuel -> etc…

However thinking about it this probably would create a new location each time, and may have been what was going on.

@Chadworthy could you enlighten us as to your method?

Luckily I’m not really a “completionist” type with some of the feats in this game. I met a player that said they bought the game because nobody had all the badges or whatever on PSN yet. They wanted to be first but I think it was less than a week before they realized that it was, at the time, literally impossible to do it.

You’re spot on! I went to a random location and put down one beacon controller then kept fueling and deleting it. I never expected it to make a new beacon in my locations tab each time. I’m a completionist but seeing the rediculousness of these feats I gave up as soon as I looked at them, but the reason I was doing this was for the XP since the game is very frustrating at level 20.

The feats being unobtainable is one thing, but attempting them crashing the game? That’s an issue that needs to be resolved.

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Btw @Chadworthy it is your character that is crashing the world and taking it offline.

Obviously it shouldn’t be possible to crash the server. We’ll need to fix them. But you’ve likely already analysed the issue. Characters have a limited number of locations and clearly your technique is a way beyond this limit. This then crashes in the serialisation.

Can you please stop using this character until we’ve been able to fix the issue? We’ll make sure a fix is included in the next update.


That’s amazing. Poor guy was just trying to complete feats! Lol what a day.

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LOL and I was trying to reproduce the issue…
I’ve removed the beacons from my places and that seems to have fixed the issue on my side. I would very much like to keep playing the game since spend most of the morning diagnosing the problem. Also the next update might be a ways off so that is a bit much to ask me not to play until then.

Probably off topic but the fix might be related. I was wondering if we could get a way to delete all our saved locations. Reason being I’ve got an entire list of basically just hub locations on each planet from when we weren’t able to warp home. Because of this I now hardly ever save locations because I don’t want to search through the entire list each time. Not to mention all the locations I saved before knowing what I was doing.


Second reply shows how. I also didn’t know it existed since I was looking through the locations from the warp selection not the locations.

And that matters for the game how exactly?