So I’ve two large portals making a very large hop - 24 blink seconds from Storis II to Arie. I could open it before the server issues on Sunday but didn’t have the fuel needed. Now I have the stone, it refuses to let me open it.
This is a valid portal on both ends - 6x4, Portal Shape V
Specifically, it correctly finds the location in the destination (Arie OR Storis, I’ve tried both) with the location marker, but it does not give me the distance and thus won’t let me press the big Open button even with more than enough shards in place.
Distance it gives is simply "
I can give locations if it’s of any help? Any suggestions? We’ve tried tearing them down and rebuilding and that didn’t work.
If a Dev needs to try it themselves, the Arie side is at 1699N, -2107E in Red Wood, and the Storis side is -1096N, -1090E - This one has the Red Wood location beacon inside of it. Look out for the in-progress road system, can’t miss it.
Edit: Appears that I get no option to warp to Arie either from Storis. Possible that the distance API is broken?