Unable to respawn, move, or die :)

Could not move, die, respawn, and after the explosions stopped I was alive but could not turn or move. Thankfully i was shot shortly after. Also could not return to sanctum after explosions stopped.

Kind of an “I have no mouth and I must scream” situation :scream:

I had a situation where I died but didn’t return to Sanctum, instead my character just floated around in a big circle just above the ground following the contours of the landscape bumping up and down as it went. The camera view was from directly above so it was kind of like watching an out of body experience … eventually after pressing esc quite a few times he did finally go back to Sanctum.

The fact that your characters were prevented from lying prone on the ground suggests that the game isn’t triggering the option to return to the sanctum, so I’ll add these to the bug database.

If you get something like this again, be sure to share a game log.

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