Unlock the colour palettes of new sovereign worlds

As far as I’m aware, the colour palettes for sov worlds are locked to a certain set because if the colours were truly random, the outcome could be quite ugly. The drawback is that we are only very very slowly unlocking new colours right now.
Please consider unlocking the possible colours for new sovereign worlds. I think this would be a rather welcome (and possibly quite easy) change that could also generate a bit more revenue.


Sov and creative worlds never proved to be a big money maker to them. If you do the math based on what it exists right now, it’s pretty easy to prove that.

Btw, I’m not for or against your idea, I’m just simply saying that if you think that revenue will be a big boost to them, it won’t.

Without knowing what size instances they are using, we can’t really know this.

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I was actually surprised at how many people I talk to that actually like the color scarcity. I personally do not mind certain colors being EXO only colors as long as all colors are represented at some point every so often.


scarcity is good for the market indeed imo

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Most of the things non-devs think are a quick and easy fix aren’t. OR aren’t a choice they want to make.

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This… Is… Weird. I strongly agree with this statement. The weird part is, building a new world color generation template like this probably actually is easy. The JSON files for world color selection are available in one of the Git repos, and while it would take some time to get it set up well, this would actually ‘probably be a quick job for an intern’.

I feel gross saying that and I’m going to go take a shower now.

You can set it up in world builder in like 2 minutes quite easily.

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Well, there was a second part to my statement if it makes you feel better :wink: EIther it’s not easy or it’s easy and they don’t want to (for their reasons).

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