"Unlocked Recipes" confusingly hangs around for higher level skills

When I have no points in decoration crafting, I see:

Unlocked Recipes:
Decorative Metamorphic Rock I, Decorative Igneous

When I put one point into it, it updates correctly to show:

Unlocked Recipes:
Sedimentary Brick, Metamorphic Brick, Igneous Brick,

And when I put two points into it, it updates correctly to show:

Unlocked Recipes:
Gleam Lantern, Request Basket, Amethyst Torch,

However, when I put 3 points into it, it still shows the details for the previous level (Gleam Lantern, etc).


  • One option may be to hide the “unlocked recipes” section entirely when maxed
    • And maybe show skills & what they unlock in the knowledge tab, at some later date?
  • Another option might be to show the level of the skill in the title (Decoration Crafting I, Decoration Crafting II, etc) so that it is more clear that the tooltip isn’t changing

It also looks like it affects the other crafting skills in the same section. I’ve added this to the database.

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