Unplayable Connection Support

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone is facing unplayable connection on planets where previously they had no issues? It has been happening more and more often to me now. Any solutions besides trying to reduce chunk download rate (which didn’t seem to fix the issue).

I would try a different connection to see if changing the routing to the server helps. I.e. if connection from home internet try connecting via phones wifi Hotspot and see if that changes things… or try a VPN and force the connection to go a different route to the server.

I have found those generally show that changing the routing can change how things work. It’s not a “fix” but can help diagnose where the real issue is.


Good idea! Will try it asap and see if that makes any difference! Thank you :smiley:

I had to do a lot of that when I was living in South Korea… I found that frequently using a VPN to just change the route my connection was taking to the servers would clean up connection issues almost completely.


Didn’t get a chance to try a different connection yet but realized very very early in the morning, the connection on some of the same planets was half decent and I could actually play on them. A few hours later into the day and it goes unplayable. Had to leave a hunt today because of that :frowning:.

Anyone else having unplayable connection or only me? I even had connection spikes on Gellis today which never happened before. It could be my internet… unless several people have the same issue?

Have played all morning, on a variety of planets, no connection issues at all for me.

Edit: if you are on and having connection issues, I can come to the same planet to see if its just you.

I left some time ago. Thanks though! Will try to test the different connections tmw hopefully.

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