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James said thanks to all the sovereigns Paka bought, they’ve been able to hire a new dev



a new team you mean haha wooo more updates


James come on man enlighten us with some holy Oortian knowledge about the updates instead of us talking to one another :joy:

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Haha. That made me laugh out loud in the office. I got some strange looks.


Well, I hope it has been enough to at least sponsor some Friday snacks or some beer when they’re able to return to the studio… :rofl: I mean, not actually IN the studio with the beer, I mean a round after, though I wouldn’t blame them if they did… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“What’s on the board today? Scared to look…”
“Um, let’s see… Hmm, usual exo begging, some griping… oh wait, haha - one of them did quite a new job with your photo, yeah, you better not look!”

And if I am help sponsoring a new dev, well, maybe should attach my own wish list of features… :grin: :wink: Ok, ok, I won’t, hehe…


I always wonder what my planet purchases are actually funding.


We are currently at ~$36k in total Sovereign worlds sold and fueled with a subscription value of ~$9.5k (subscription value = if all currently active worlds are renewed, how much month would be made monthly).

I do not work for Wonderstruck nor do I know how much of that total amount is their “take home value”. That means these all just rough estimates based on the number Sovereign worlds and how long they are “active” for. So take it with a grain of salt. It definitely looks like we (the community buying Sovereign worlds) are helping fund something which is really great to see!


devs must eat too :wink:


I’m going to bet that he has seen how people react to disappointment here.


most of all, where is the new bomb promised in the topic title?



Really curious to see how this is going to impact crafting and fights.

Especially the melee part. You usually don’t really wanna be in melee with a wildstock or a hopper because of how much damage they can deal in one blow, so dem shields better be gud. I hope they’ll actually revise how much life creatures have (like, give them more if you have to) and how much damage they can do (less, please). I hate going in a hunt and getting one-shot by a mob. I would hope the risk of going in melee would be rewarded with more damage-dealing than the ranged weapons, at the cost of taking more hits.

But I would find it funny to be able to dual-wield shields and go in as a tank. XD
I’m imagining shields working like an atlas, when you use it, it move more to the center of the screen. Gotta make it feel good too, when you block, to hear a good ol’ chunky “CLONK” sound.

Also, we NEED to be able to stick these weapons and shields on racks on walls. These would be awesome decorations.

As for the crafting stations… I don’t rightly know how they’ll handle that. Are they gonna temporarily keep the current crafting stations working as legacy to give us the time to move to the new ones?

I would imagine the new crafting stations to be more modular. Maybe we won’t rely as much on skill points to craft things, and instead, we’ll be able to make crafting stations with only what we need. Like, on your 4 block machine, you plug only the parts you want, so you have a workbench with mixer capabilities?

Or maybe these are just visual updates to the current machines to make them look more different from one-another? Wouldn’t feel right, though : IMHO, we also gotta get rid of the need to make workshop setups where machine-blocks are stacked in a line and surrounded by power-coils. If they’re making these cool-looking new crafting stations, I hope we’ll have a way to power them up remotely, make a power-coil setup with tesla machines separately and connect them with some sort of spark-link. I’ve been an advocate of something like that for almost two years now.


Fewer mobs that have more HP would be nice in general IMO.

I would love to see alternatives to clunky power coil workshops. Maybe they could add elite power coils that give 1000 power per coil and require fancy mats to make them.

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They could push the max limit of 7200 power so we can keep overclocking our machines to craft faster and faster, too. I for one would welcome that.


I like that analogy, overclocking…at max coils currently whats the GHz?

Ahhh the joys of having a tank build with shielding pie active. You can stand there and laugh at them.


Throw in some rage brews and hookshot yourself to the ground and make yourself into a punching bag of giggles



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He knew what he wanted them to implement but he wasn’t sure if they do that and because he didn’t have a call last month he doesn’t know if they still know what he wants them to know but he can’t tell us non backers what he knew that they knew what he wanted them to do.

That’s what I understood.

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hmm…do you solve riddles professionally by chance?

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