
Fastest way for a nice, healthy thread to go rotten… @Dhusk posting.

Why are you here bro? You keep repeating that the game is dead yet you’re hanging around its supposed corpse like a vulture.

You must love the game even more than I do if you can’t stop obsessing about it. Like a petty ex pretending you’ve moved on. You bring the mood down with every post.

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This was just maintenance to fix a problem, much like the many I bought the wrong fuel or I can’t warp to my world.

Definitely not a wooohoooo the games saved and we will get a patch soon moment.

Alternative consideration: if James has the time to do these, respond to problems and post solutions on the forums, surely a 1min post saying hi we are still here and working away could be done.

Somewhat feels like the lack of updates is intentional

Edit: best go grab some popcorn for this thread. To Summarise the next 50 posts.

Rydal and the positives: woot the games fine and the devs are here to stay
Me and a lot of other more pessimistic: hahaha u really think that? Based on what, a bug fix?

Because I WANT the game to succeed despite what you might think. My posting is born out of anger that @james can’t even be bothered to make a quick state of the game post and answer a few basic questions. The numbers continue to decline every single day:



Mind you 107 for the last month is better than 40 other months … on that same list…

My intent here was to simply state that we had some activity… which is better than nothing at all. I will remain positive regardless on the game … and it’s future. I for one do not require an update to make it fun, I do however think original backers should get what they were promised at a minimum.

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It’s not fair to use any data before full release in September 2018, so I think it’s only 1 month under 100, and that looks like a data anomaly.

The hope in that chart is that the decline isn’t sustained, so there may be hope for player numbers remaining steady in the coming months, but that remains to be seen.

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Just another topic same old, same old.

I mean I guess I feel you, so sorry for coming at you like that. I just don’t think voicing our disappointment will so much to make the devs more productive.

I think about James, having created the game that was likely his greatest dream of his life, trying to hang onto it the best he can so that it doesn’t end up dying, and I bet 9/10 @ mentions he gets are talking about how he doesn’t care.

Hurts my heart. And if I were him I’d probably hate the game and most of us by now.


I would agree with that @Dhusk. Criticism is great, but I would say you should not be specifically targeting James or any of the other devs. I always go out of my way to not mention Wonderstruck employees unless it is something new that they really should see. Everyone wants to see the game get better, but attacking the devs and mentioning them in every post just encourages them to not want to care.

(also, this is not me attacking you or even telling you to stop. Just saying you should be more mindful of your criticism and remember the devs are people and we want them to want to communicate and interact with us)


Here’s a argument to those who complain about buying a game and being owed something. When u buy a game u buy it for what it is and if u don’t like it. it is in the words of Star Wars darth bane “it’s ur own kriffing fault”

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This was an EA game and there were things promised to EA backers. Those have never been realized. In THIS VERY THREAD, there’s somebody listing out four things that were part of their $250 investment that they never received. Let that sink in.

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Fair enough but that doesn’t excuse a complete lack of useful communication.

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This. I have my gripes, but have really tried to keep it very limited out here on the board… thinking about this is why. For the whole team that worked on it, going back and reading the old dev log posts, and from what I’ve heard from people who have chatted with them, it was clearly a passion project. Regardless of what the situation actually is, I can’t imagine this was the plan, the way things stand now, when they were working on it before release. And regardless of how I feel about anything, in the end, to me this is a game - for them, it is their lives. And I’m not big on kicking people while they’re down. I’m grateful for the game, everything it has brought me - friendships and fun. :slight_smile: So rather let them hear the positives of what the game has meant to some of us. The rest - well, it is what it is, nothing at this point any of us can do to change it, clear they’ve made up their minds on whatever the route is here, so for me at least, may as well just enjoy what we have.


That’s not what I meant I actually agree with u there

So while these 4 of 15 things weren’t realized, how many years of enjoyment has that 250 provided already?

I’ve spent almost 2x more than that in the last year, yet I don’t hear anyone arguing that I’ve been cheated. Sounds like it’s more about getting to have something others do not have.

Slightly off topic, but I’ve always felt like a better forum format would totally change how we communicate here. Reddit’s format is perfect. If we had that here, dev comments would usually be around the top, along with the best ideas/comments/feedback in the thread. Would cut out a lot of repeat comments and arguments because everything is easier to reference.


Kinda wish I can get a status still lol I spent over 5k by now can I get a oortian key or I still short :laughing:


Yeah, I’m fond of the format Larian uses itself-


In general, not meant as a jab but just sad note, there have been a lot of issues I’ve seen under the general umbrella of communication and promotion. Not going to elaborate here, like I said I try not to gripe much out here, but it just makes me so sad when I see what NMS has done and to me Boundless is STILL the better game! No reason to me it couldn’t have done as well or better.

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Just trying to bring things back to reality…yes a small fix was put in. But some people are still waiting 5+ years for EA perks lol.

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That’s a whole lot of money on a game. However, if you love it and it’s what you can afford to spend it on, then why not.

I suppose the same logic could be said about my watch collection. All just tell the time, but errr yea, we are in buying a new SUV territory.

on a side note it would be interesting to see if the staunch backers and supporters of the game in the current situation are the ones with a lot of money spent on it.

Personally I think I’m in the 400-600 range, and see both the good and definitely not so good


I’m still waiting for pants and a warp wraith :grin: