Upgrade not working?

So i upgraded about a week and a half ago?

But as it appears right now it looks like the upgrade has not happened
when i say upgrade btw i mean from Adventurer to Wayfarer and yes i have played the game since the upgrade and such as have waited a bit as i was told it could take a while.

but yes i have not gotten the titles or bagde related to Wayfarer

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I don’t know if it’s still like before, but it used to be a case by case basis. They manually did upgrades. May be fastest to tag @james


oh sorry didn’t realize i could tag the devs xD just thought they would see this when they saw it

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go here, its what I did, seems to be case by case

Have you played the Live game since upgrading? The DBs only sync once you’ve played.

Just investigating…

Sorry a step was missed. This will not happen until Monday morning. (Then you might need to play the game again.) There is an extra step required when a player originally purchased on Steam - for some reason this was missed. But you have definitely been upgraded. It’s just not showing up in the forum. Sorry about this.


ahhh ok that makes sense, Thank you very much so i just gotta wait till monday alright fair enough xD

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