Hello. I harvested only 62 barks from all this wood. Is this a bug or a change since the update. Note that I harvested this wood on an exo with regen bomb
thanks for the information
Hello. I harvested only 62 barks from all this wood. Is this a bug or a change since the update. Note that I harvested this wood on an exo with regen bomb
thanks for the information
Yes thats extremely low, so would imagine a bug as you’d expect T7 planets to give more not less
That does appear low. I didn’t keep the bark, to leave room for other items. So, I can’t be sure, but I actually made the comment to my guildies at one point that I thought it was dropping a more than usual amount, because I did one small tree and it yielded like 6 bark.
i will try to see if it’s the same thing on normal planets … because i harvest that much more usually…
I often harvest wood and normally I would have at least 900 with all this wood … otherwise very close
Was this harvested before or after the maintenance patch?
“Dugup” versions of blocks are usually player placed and don’t yield any additional drops.
I harvested it about 30-45 minutes ago
I did not keep the sap but the amount was very low also
Woot. I thought you cant regen exos
Looks like you can regen blocks, just not ore
The natural regeneration algorithms (blocks and resources) is disabled, so just bombs work, but they don’t regenerate seams etc like always.
Very many barks:
You can regen blocks/gleam. Just ore/resources will not regen at all.
To OP. When you regen, resources wont regen also. So after first cut, you wont get sap/bark again from that tree. Youll need to run around and cut a lot of trees.
it used to work, unless they changed this. i could farm same spot for bark with regen bombs. Something i saw too yesterday with regen bomb is the regenration is way slower.It takes 1-2 sec delay before it start then can see the regeneration by layer form top to bottom.
So i think something odds is happening with players regeneration.
resources dont regen on exo planets, only the normal ones.
Exos dont regen ores/sap/bark/plants/etc
I would like to see an exo planet experiment where regen bombs don’t work on that planet. Is it better that way? Worse? The mechanics are currently confusing wrt block chance drops like bark, sap, etc. And I’m not a fan either of someone being able to find some resources like gleam and stand there half afk converting bomb durability into infinite gleam. But then it doesn’t work for other materials. Consistency plz!
yeah but sap and bark are byproduct of trunk, its not like the rock that is replaced by an ore blocks from the system. Or else it would be the same on Permanent planets. We would not be able to farm bark or sap from bomb regen.
Gleam isn’t a resource; it’s a block. I agree tho that regen bombing not working for common byproduct resources on exoplanets is a bit odd. Perhaps it’s related to the regen bug on normal planets from a couple days ago, or perhaps it’s working as intended. Strange either way.
in what I could see is that you can still have sap and bark after regenerating but much less
This was a problem on live for one day, on normal planets. I went to my farm on alcyon and tested after the fix and it seemed to be normal again.
If it’s still happening on the exos maybe they need a separate fix. Since james did Identify it as bot protection I wouldn’t expect it to be a normal exoplanet mechanic.
I’ve recently built a small shimmer farm and and 11 regen bombs was netting approximately 100 orbs before the “bug” so about 9 per bomb now after the patch 11 bombs net approximately just under 90 so about 8 per bomb so there is definitely about at least a 10% reduction since the “bug” and patch … not too keen on how they regen now as well.