Very few barks

It seems to be same as T6.


You’d even say the T6 is better imo just due to not having to deal with the rift mobs and the terrain being less insane as on exo worlds.

That’s my personal opinion farming bark though.

yeah probably, i am just farming for the wood color!

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Should be the same drop rate. Yay progressions.

what abandoned … or before the fix ?? …

you say I’m lying? @Gorillastomp :confused:

I guess you should read what I wrote or say nothing about it instead of calling me a liar

I made this video 5 minutes ago :thinking::face_with_monocle:

Sorry didn’t want to call you out or anyhting like that, was just bad way to say it. I can fix my reply if you want.

Do you have luck maxed out ?

Plus with the new regen bomb system it seems drops gets pushed up over the leaves.

just did it.

Probably game sees it as bot action, indication of it would be that you don’t get any XP after 0:35 on video (actual xp bar vanishes little bit later).

Try remove blocks from bigger area or have some break and then drops should come back.


yes maximum luck, maximum bonus attributes and epic picking (sorry if it’s not the terms used in English, my game is currently in French)

so my barks and my sap would be at the top of the tree? I’m going to try

@almund is probably right you get no exp. @james, @vdragon.


Yeah, clearly something is going wrong here.
Now we just need someone to mash up both videos with dueling banjos for maximum effect. :upside_down_face:

He should be at least getting bark and sap drops related to the trunk he can pull in, even without an autolooter.

The OP focuses on bark here and that seems low even after the trip over the tree but at any point in both videos, at the time when you’re standing there chopping you wood you should be at least pulling the drops relevant to the blocks that are in your normal collection range.

At one point in passeva’s video his loot counter is showing over 800 trunk collected and no other drops but foliage. When this happened on the other planets it was fixed immediately. they said it was a bug related to bot protection.

Obviously they’ve made several changes to the bombs but really, if they don’t want to come out and say that this is the expected exo mechanic hopefully they just fix it soon.

Either way it implies that there’s something different enough in the exo planet code base to allow tools and/or blocks to perform differently from their behavior on the “normal” worlds, which is interesting.

I guess I just sort of thought that “regen script / no regen script” would just be one big toggle.

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I tried another tree in a very open place and the result is the same.

I also removed my drink of speed and I harvested with a diamond ax instead of a titanium ax (slower) … the result remains the same

no xp and very very very little bark and sap

and they are not at the top of the tree

very strange @james

I tried to Biitula … 585 trunks … 31 barks. I do not have a problem with Biitula. I also get my xp

I was on Delta C earlier and I didn’t do a check on xp, but I did get something around 27 bark and just got over 300 trunk. Was just going for a bit, wanted to head home and was after shimmering orbs. Got around 60 orbs and was tossing the growth but it was what I had expected for the amount of time for both. So there is definitely a problem.

Was going to go and do some more gathering on a new planet, but didn’t find much except a lot of ticked off cuttletrunks and lots of meteorites dropping, level 2 which I can’t handle.

Did get 200xp when I discovered a region and I think it was 300 for the next region, but my son wanted to chat so was distracted while there. That was a couple hours ago.

The initial bug with the bot protection that was mentioned with the hot fix was that it seemed to always trigger. But the interesting part is the implication that bot protection was added in the first place!

After the fix I assumed everything would go back to normal, but something has definitely changed. So far it seems like it is triggered when repeatedly mining small areas. I have a Growth farm on Trung which is definitely hit by this:

However it does seem to “reset” much more frequently when I also mine another area nearby in between (seen in the background here):

It is within a different plot, possibly chunk, perhaps that could be related.

I also noticed that it seems to take a lot longer for blocks to update after being hit by a regen bomb since the update, which could probably also be related. Edit: or not, as confirmed here.

I’d like some clarification from devs if this is intended behavior, I’d be fine with a simple “yes” or “no” since I know details about bot protection probably isn’t something they’d be willing to share. But I do also think that this thread shows that it’s not really clear in game what is meant to happen, which is having a bad effect on player experience.

I don’t mind too much that my farm would become useless, just want to know if I should start adapting now or wait if it’s just a bug.


on my side what I find strange is that gorillastomp receives these barks and these xp … and not me

it is obvious that explanations would be welcome

Very much this.

Hummmm … depends on who

it’s about the same thing anyway … but I think I should have the same thing as the others