Video: New door system, slabs and steps

could what?

could to see it progressing I am so looking forward to it.
and +1 on previous comments

You said you would make a water puzzle. I say you still could.

Ignore the visuals on everything, the slabs and steps use the old textures (soon to be gone) and the doors don’t have any texturing at all :yum:

well if the water will run out no matter what after moving 10 blocks, its not going to be a really good puzzle xD

Water as it works now will almost certainly change. We’re favouring players having to channel naturally occurring springs of water (or rivers, oceans) rather than dumping buckets of water everywhere right now.


i liked the trove fountains blocks. they made water going in one directon.

please add something like archemedes screw :slight_smile:


the hell can that be used for?

To transport water up a hill :smiley:

Hell yes! These are some things that we definitely needed!! Upside down stairs are al that’s left to add!

Yes I love this. Stops bucket greifing nicely!

… or some other kind of pump system :wink:

@Zouls: It is a screw for getting water upwards to higher levels. If you turn it it will transport the warter. It is used in farms in egypt at the Nile, which was often lower in level then the fields which had to get water :wink:

I agree on the door movement, a little slower motion would be nice.

When might crafting be available for players?
I apologise if this is posted somewhere and I just missed it but I haven’t really seen any news on this subject.
I’m quite looking forward to being able to use these in game.

We don’t have an exact date, but we’re looking at weeks until the first crafting release, not months.


Nice, gives me something to look forward to then.
Thank you for the quick response!

And when are we going to get the texture update? I’m pretty excited about it :smiley:

How about trapdoors with reset timers?

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Shhh - don’t spoil the surprises.

Also - this means nothing - so also doesn’t spoil any surprises.

All surprises remain fully unspoilt. Hopefully.