Voice Chat

Hello, my suggestion Would be Voice chat
I think i would be nice have a radius type voice chat. After all this is a very community game and typing takes more time :smile:
PS: Radius would be VERY important i think.


Yeah i think it would be great to have a logical voice chat system in a small area around you, it might get akward at times, especially for people like me who is male but prefer to play female characters in games, but it would be a really good slaying titans and other temples.

i can see the confused faces :stuck_out_tongue: But it would be more social i think

It would be quite hilarious to have a really female character and a really deep voice combined xD
But I know what you mean^^

If there were a voice chat you should be able to turn it off and on. That way you don’t get annoyed at a busy market. But the market could also feel quite alive^^

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Bro. i have a bass voice, it would totally be the case.

i like the practicality of it and the possibility for roleplay. i however will mainly use text chat in case i want to stay in role.


True but it should seen Like an icon of “this player can’t hear you” something like that :smile:


That would still be possible since chat’s still there :slight_smile: i like that.

Having played things like team fortress I can say if that community moves our way the voice chat is going to spnd most of its time disabled

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True i guess… But i think it should be implemented though.

EDIT: Wanted to add this is a very different community then TF2.


I really like the idea of a proximity based voice chat. As KuroKuma said it would make public places sound very alive. I think the option to have friends voices automatically mute out the surrounding voices when they spoke would make it more a cool feature than a hindrance.

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Yeah, and it would be even cooler if the mouths of the character models moved when a mic was used.

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As someone who doesn’t type fast
I aprove! :sweat_smile:


Seems familiar? :stuck_out_tongue:

Would be nice as an Secondary Feature Although i don’t think it would be very high on the to-do list though.

I agree that it would be a nice feature to add as personally I find building projects far easier to complete when you can talk to the person your building with as you don’t have to stop and type and from the looks of the game I would rather talk ingame than have to use something like team speak