I have seen posts of these planets in the creations tab, people posting screenshots. What are these planets, are they in testing now, or I just never found them .
They are from EA
I think that means they got the old world reset axe
Wow, I thought I cleared all the atlases currently in game. So these planets are an older version of the game right.
Yes, those planets no longer exist. They were during early access and where taken offline during the pre launch wipe.
Maybe one day we can go back to our long lost homes from EA
The old books written by the Oortian historians do mention that these planets existed before the apocalypse
The EA dirty dozen
After a short period: we had them connected like this:
(This is actually a cropped screenshot from my phone. So this map might actually be a few days older than the 21st)
Inventory space used to be a skill we would take. You don’t wanna know how many trips to the ice planet epsilo I took to build my ice house on solumn. Hahaha (sigh)
Now, we start as if we had the inventory space skill already. All 4 rows.
Some times, i wish people who always complain about wanting this or that, or needing this or that, could go back even just a year ago and see how much this game has changed. Maybe then they would truly appreciate how hard these devs have worked to get the game where it is at now, and silent their serpent tongues.
It is amazing how far this game has come, I love this game. Thank you for sharing this information. The devs never cease to amaze me.
I would go back a year. . the best AOE was a 1x3.
God how I miss the compact peat trees on Nashrill
Wish I could have played on those
awe… someone still has my old map
lol I so often want to say this… but it ranks up there with trying to talk to a deaf person about what sound… sounds like ><
lol imagine those with regen bombs
could start a peat empire in under a day
Can we maybe rent the old universe with the old game rules before the centraforge?
Wow wish that was still in game what an excellent idea. I wonder why we can make compact silt but no recipe for it.
Oooh, it’d be really cool if those old worlds came back around as… EXOWORLDS!!!
So would my builds be there? Loaded up with all sorts of resources?