If you are looking to make some coin, selling Ornate glass, more specifically white ornate glass would be a good investment. There’s hardly any around
Just crafted some, will put on sale…
Black though…
not really going to profit considering how much the silver cost me, but mrs star needed them.
Yea its not cheap. I made my own white for my build but would have totally bought it if someone had some.
The price of ores after a massive injection of cash into the game halted my efforts for making ornate glass. Once prices stabilise, I’ll hopefully get back into it
I buy a lot of stuff, but ores I don’t because it’s just easier to mine. I enjoy mining too, it’s very relaxing.
I’ll look into making an Ornate Glass shop if no one else does.
It isn’t just the ores that is the problem with ornate glass. A single mass craft of ornate glass costs 432 glass, 216 refined gleam, 144 precious alloy, and 46,750 spark to make 50 ornate glass. The price you need to sell it at to be profitable is prohibitive to anyone buying it. I would feel like a price gouger selling it at the actual cost it takes to make.
You also have to understand that, it’s set up that way to encourage others to work together, not do it all on your own. It’s really very easy and cheap to make especially if you have Guild Buffs to lower the spark cost.
If I am crafting I love this tool. You can enter what you are crafting. Whether you are wanting to make a SS or a Mass, You can enter if you are using the spark and wear buff and to what level. Also what you are using for generating spark. So you can see your cost if you you buy all materials or none. I usually gather most of what I need but sometimes I need to buy one component and can adjust accordingly.
I’ll just make a shop. I understand the cost and the mats involved. I’ve made a good bit of it in the past and sold it in my shop.
The only cost for me that would not make it worth it is the rare gleam. I personally just need a ton of white ornate glass most of which I’ve already made.
The real cost to me is the materials, the only cost that isn’t really controllable would be the rare gleams and spark. The materials though are easy to get … just takes some time. A little mining, some gleam farming, etc. Spark, I’ve never had an issue with.
I do agree it would be easier in a guild with people working together, but the guild buffs are easy to come by. Luckily, I still know a handful of great people that still play that always help out
I think glass store in general would be a good income lol I use a ton of black glass panes & white glass blocks if there was a Ornate glass shop that sold in big quantities also I would buy too
It’s not. People do not build with glass very much. Income comes in spurts, months apart, and is hard to predict. The colors that become briefly popular are hard to predict, and usually that popularity is short lived. Mostly my glass shop is a color storage with inventory that periodically disappears are random.
It’s more than obvious that black and white sell the most. My current build is pretty much just that a color storage and a huge shop with every color of raw material. Will every color sell nah, but why do I want to hoard it all like I have been over the past 4-5 years. I found pretty much zero reason to, other than to brag about how you much you have.
I just like to have the materials and colors I know I like to build with all the rest I’ll just sell. If everyone else just sold the stuff they don’t use and spent the coin they just sit on, we’d have a much better economy.
White and black sell best. The entire grayscale sells more than the other colors. Bright colors sell more than dull or dark colors, with a couple exceptions. There are people who will buy dark red and dark turquoise. A couple months ago the entire blue spectrum sold out,. Just being honest, there are entire mulit-month periods where I sell zero glass. People want it when they want it, but that isn’t very often. Glass just isn’t very popular. I made the store because at one point, no one had a glass store with much inventory. I originally intended to make all the blocks/panes in plain/stylish/ornate in all colors. I just haven’t made any coins off it. I mine/gather all my own materials except for spark. I buy my spark. I’ve spent more on spark than I have made in the last 2 years on the entire glass store. I hope you can be more successful at it than I have been.
If your shop is the one I’m thinking about, I was probably your #1 customer.
And if whomever runs Gleam Universe would drop their prices I’m sure it’d sell out too.
I run the Oopsie Glass Emporium. Also, I totally ripped off your old concrete shop design for my glass store. lol. I liked how it was all grouped by color family so you could compare colors when planning your builds. I seriously wish you luck with a glass store. I couldn’t make it viable. Maybe you can.
Yup, Oopsie… bought out quite a few colors.
Totally glad the concrete shops organization helped someone. I personally love the shops when ordered by main color and sub color makes it so much easier to find a color to me.
As far as making a glass shop viable, I doubt it will get too much traffic to be fair. I mean the max player base is pretty low, but heck I may just start with white and black first and go from there, But, trying to maintain all the colors might be a little much with the current player base.
My new shop(s) I created are pretty much the same design as the concrete shop.
@Fante runs Gleam Universe but it’s been a couple minutes since he’s been active.
I do maintain a portal to his beautiful shop from Farm School for posterities sake.