Warp conduit PS4 to beacon, broken?

Anyone notice it auto refreshes or something and are not able to teleport to a beacon?

PS4, place down two warp conduits, go-to beacon tab, click on a beacon name, should pop up a menu and cost to warp to beacon, when trying this now it auto refreshes so quickly that I am unable to warp to beacon/open beacon with warp conduit

I had that earlier… looked similar to when prestige changes caused problems in places menu… I went to sanctum and was able to warp to the beacon after a few tries though

Oh ok, thank you for the work around tip, I really do appreciate it

Only happened once to me so I wasn’t sure whether it was just a one-off strange glitch, so good on you for posting it since looks to be something the devs need to be aware of. I hope going to sanctum works for you too for now though!

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Thanks for the report. After looking into this, it does look like the GUI menu is not behaving as it should, so I’ll add this to the bug database.