So… how exactly do they work?
Place two above eachother. Interact with them and select the location.
And the location is one you have saved?
i think you have to wave the totem towards the planets at the sky first, (upgraded totem). since you can warp only between planets
So I guess the next question is, how do I upgrade the totem?
Warp Location Picker Upgrade…
5 x Bone Extract, 5 x Gold Alloy, 1440 x Spark (using Workbench)
… and it’s single use
Yeah and I still have 0 gold/spark. No idea where to find that stuff man
Me either! I only managed to glean that info as I’ve just updated the Boundless Crafting site with all the new recipes
Dont know about gold but for sparks you need power core
So far I only found about 7 gold ore in the desert biomes(TestUS1). Idk if it’s the way they spawn resources, or I just really suck at finding materials. I have a better chance of finding rarer resources if I find and dig through coal than mindlessly digging down :(. Kind of feels like minesweeper without the harmful mines.
This is good info. I’ve been looking for gold everywhere. Also, Miige was right and you need to power core for sparks according to the Dev post in this thread. Testing 18: World Wrapping
Now we just have to figure out were ancient tech components are. I know a Dev said in the mountains but I haven’t seen any yet.
You have to find them inside those mountains i quess…
From what I experienced so far. The ice and desert biomes hold the most visible resources.
Ice biome is best for ores.
Desert biome is best for fossils, tech fragments, and coal
i explored great are from “jungle”, desert and snow biomes at testus1.
jungle biomes most common visible resources i found are:
- goal
- iron
- copper
- ancient tech fragment
- fossil
desert biomes most common visible resources i found are:
- goal
- iron
- copper
- ancient tech fragment
- fossil
- gold
snow biomes most common visible resources i found are:
- goal
- iron
- copper
- ancient tech fragment
- fossil
- ancient tech component
i also explored some caves and they tend to be empty from resources so best places are mountains/hills. Had no time to mine all mountains to see if there is rare resources inside expect one where my beacon is but didn’t find any rare resources so far (amethyst, diamond, emerald, ruby, titanium, sapphire, silver and topaz).
by the way, if you are going to warp, since it is one way, make sure you have a ticket back
Else you can start new on the other side.
warp doesn’t create portal to the other world so you cant walk back?
Yeah, think I read in some dev post.
Seems @Stretchious undrerstood same
That reminds me of a question I have to ask devs. I put it in the news post.
i tough you can use it only ones to get only 1 location but it creates portal so you can travel back from it but in order to get other locations you need to craft it again?
no you can just connect to one location and just to the lacation after using it will disapear. One Way Street. so if you plan to go through make sure that you have 2more conduits to get back. and if you want to leave your home behind and start new on the other world, dont forget your beacon.
Or make spare beacon controls, you can have 1 beacon at the time in inventory but you can place other beacon controls anywhere Even in same world if you want to.