Warranty on maxed out forged items (new idea)

Hi all,

I am trying out a new idea to give people warranty on items that I sell.

The 1st round will have the following items:

All items are forged to the max.

Please watch the video below that explains in detail how this works.

I hope you like this idea.

Have fun !


Cool idea!

Great idea!

The diamond slingbow has been sold.

Want 1 of the other tools/items, let me know :slight_smile:


These are still available and not to hard to keep track on durability either.
So if you want a warranty tool, let me know ok ?


35000 coins is that correct or a mistake?

and love the idea!

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Seems cheap if you have sufficient focus. Quite the gamble for someone (like me) who is always surprised by their tools blowing up :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah if u can keep an eye on the durability, I just questioned because the rest seems to be way cheaper ,just curious why a transformation would be more, but as for me too and always getting that random “double hit” yet again the service is a win

What’s the deal with durability? You can’t repair tools right?

The image is a bit weird, but they are all 35000.

The white gleam behind it masks the numbers.

True cannot repair tools, they will be exchanged for new tools and those have warranty again.
Play it right and you have a warranty tool forever ! (Specially the gold fist should be easy)

Please watch the video above (first post) that explains everything. :slight_smile:


Might be a good idea to mention where this shop is, mind. :wink:

(not all folks can view videos if it’s in there)

I will come up with a far better option soon.

I’m sure!

But … where … is … the shop?

TNT hub --> Dzassak --> Underwater hub --> next is the warranty area in the watertunnel (go left)

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Enjoying my sniper bow :grin:
Thx again.

Hard part is going to be keeping an eye on the durability :rofl:


Round 2 started with new forged warranty tools.
Want something, just go over and buy it directly from the shop stand.

TNT hub → Dzassak → Underwater hub → next is the warranty area in the watertunnel (go left)


How is it going, already needed to claimed your warranty?

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Still got a bit of use left. About halfway.
Because it’s such a good bow I didn’t want to just use it anywhere. Comes in handy for those T6 hunts :blush: Melts Armour Repel cuttletrunks which are always annoying :rofl:

My anxiety will kick in though when it gets to the red. Probably won’t use it on hunts then incase it breaks. I’m such a derp, that would happen :laughing:

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