Was I credited the wrong fuel? o_o

I’m pretty sure I read it in the FAQ right when they were put on the forum. I’m almost certain that it was explained in there


Of course it’s in the FAQ, I saw it after the fact, but are people always supposed to read the entire FAQ before buying? I certainly don’t think so.

I certainly did not read the fine print for the world fuel because it seemed straight forward from the front page what I was getting for what I paid!
It baffles me that they would go with such a terrible shop design, indicating clearly the prices on the front page only for 3km world…

If world fuel pricing is different for each world size, then either

  1. It needs to be made clear in the front page of the shop instead of showing just the prices for 3km worlds.
  2. It needs to be indicated in the actual pages to order worlds that the world fuel costs differently.

And by the way, I have been arguing about the lack of pricing info prior to the actual release for months. This would likely not have happened if a preview of the website and pricing infos had been shown to us during testing to give feedback about it.


You are right Globi and I understand you. I first read the prices on the web (Ps4 player) and for lack of understanding and many questions, I had to come back to consult the FAQs. And it was still not clear … lol I think in the excitement of the purchase you have to go to the more consis and the layout unintentionally misleads.

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I dont know how this is any different than
Advertise wheres leather sofas price is 499€ Then theres little print that says on the pic "price valid Only For fabric upholstering "

Exept that aint small print… Its literally the Only thing on the screen with the purchase buttons.

To me, it is because it changes drastically what is shown on the front page of the website. From the front page, I had all the informations I needed to make my purchase thinking 120 days were 40$ for all types of world, so I skipped reading the actual info on the individual world fuel page.
In any case, that’s an issue which can be easily fixed, unlike some other issues.

You thought that the monthly cost of a 6km planet would be the same as a 3km one?


Yes I did, and I’ll admit I found it surprising, it certainly was dumb of me to think it could be this simple…
But that’s what was indicated on the freaking front page, and nowhere in the page where you order your world was it said something like “the monthly price of world fuel varies on the size of the world”.
I just thought to myself “oh, nice, that’s a great deal!”

With the current front page design, OBVIOUSLY, I wouldn’t have made that mistake… I would’ve clicked to see how much time was the Improved World Fuel before I ordered my world.

So sure, thank you for saying things that sound very condescending like “dude, you’ve been a dumb@$$ there”, that helps to ease the pain of the 80€ thrown into the garbage. I did mess-up, I know that, but I’ll still argue that the fault wasn’t 100% mine, and even then, I should have the right to a refund. Had it been a purchase on Steam, I would’ve gotten it immediately.
Right now, I’m still waiting for a reply in regards to the refund of that world fuel order. I’m ready to take the loss for the world itself, but I certainly won’t order a new world before I get the refund, and so I won’t play anymore Boundless.
I’m even wondering if I should order a new world right then because I should wait for a furniture update.

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