Was I credited the wrong fuel? o_o

Ok so I just shelled out 40€ for 120 days of fuel for my Creative World…

I get a mail with his confirmation :

I went in-game and immediately redeemed the code I got in the mail, and when confirming I went “uh, weird, it says it’s a 30 days key, I guess they forgot to change the wording on the prompt”, but then I went to my actual Sanctum portal to my world and noticed it indeed wasn’t granted 16 more weeks, but rather 4,5 weeks or something :

So I checked the keys I used.

You can clearly see it still says it’s a “Type : Improved World Fuel”.

Between this and the bug that prevents me from opening a Creative Bridge to my world, I can’t say I’m fully pleased with how things are working out.

When you are on the purchase page it says how long it will extend per world size

Extends the life of a Boundless Sovereign or Creative private world:

  • Adds 120 days to a 3 km World

  • Adds 60 days to a 4.5 km World

  • Adds 30 days to a 6 km World

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Is it possible that your Creative world is a 6km one?
" Adds 30 days to a 6 km World "

Oh come on, that sucks!

That’s terrible design and legally, that’s borderline not ok!
When I bought the world, I’m pretty sure it never said I would have to pay 4 times the world fuel! o_o

The shop page doesn’t show this information clearly until you actually click on the logos.
It seemed clear enough that I didn’t stop to read the fine print in the next page.

This tells you “pays 40$ for +120 (days)”.
WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT if this only counts for a third of the possible world options?!?

Had I known about the pricing of the world fuel, I certainly wouldn’t have bought a 6km world. o_o


That was my first bit of feedback as well. The icons imply that the purchase grants +120 days, and makes no obvious indication that larger worlds get a diminished period until you’re passed the selection page. This is optimistically an unfortunate miscommunication, at worst deliberately deceptive. @james @SamF @Leahlemoncakes PLEASE change the graphic to not imply a fixed number of days.


While I think the icons make no mention of days, the numbers being multiples of 30 do lead to a lot of people making a very understandable assumption.

So I think that the 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 numbers could be changed into
1x 2x 4x 8x 16x

Or instead of these fuel units, there could just be 3 simple types of fuel:
30 days 3km
30 days 4.5km
30 days 6km
labelled 3km, 4.5km, 6km

And if you buy the “wrong type” of fuel it would still work for planets of other sizes under the current system: (30 days 3 km fuel would add 15 days to a 4.5km world, 30 days 6km fuel would add 120 days when applied to a 3km world)


Well right now, I’m considering asking James for a refund of my improved world fuel, and scrapping my creative world to take a 3km creative world instead. I wanted to invite people to play there with me, but I will have to settle on the 3km because I can’t throw 40$ per month…

There is obviously no intention to mislead anyone. We will change the design of the icons so that there isn’t an implied association with the duration added.


To be even more clear perhaps also add the monthly fuel cost at the different planet size descriptions…


Yeah, definitely what Aenea said. I wish I had known that before ordering my world… :cold_sweat:
That would’ve DRASTICALLY changed my plans. I would’ve gone with a 3km world instead.

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Yeah I agree that image is absurdly deceptive

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you are not alone in having in this assumption as this issue has already been brought up in the faq thread.
hopefully there will be some compensatory customer relations introduced either behind the scenes or upfront to help people.

Best would probably be to give refunds for any 6km worlds as desired, so people can get 3km instead?

Sure the design might be poop… But you can clearly see BEFORE you add it To cart what it does.

So the info is there.


And it’s also logical that a bigger planet with a higher max players count would cost more per month than a smaller one…

But it could have been a little clearer.

Perhaps make a few changes and reimburse players who made the same mistake by giving them a 3km planet with same config and 3 additional months of fuel…

I almost raised this as a concern too (when the only place I could see this information was via the FAQ), although when I saw that it was very explicit about how long it would last on the product page itself that you have to land on to buy the product, I felt like maybe it was ok, despite being a bit confusing.

For me, a much better design would be a single ‘Planet Fuel’ product that has variants (I’m assuming that product variants are still a thing available to all pricing brackets in Shopify, it’s been a while since I had to use it).

Then you can let people pick the planet size and duration (so people can chose to pay for a number of days instead of an arbitrary value). Because your pricing structure is entirely linear, this should be fairly easy to manage. Behind the scenes, this can still convert into the pre-existing ‘units’ system you appear to have going (So picking a 4.5k 60 day fuel converts into a 120 token), although you may need to make more high end tokens for long-duration large planets fuel.

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Just a suggestion for the team… I think something like this would be a lot clearer for people to buy fuel in future.

A separate page/web form for World Fuels with columns of buttons/selections. A column for each size of world and their respective fuels clearly laid out below each one.



I finally went to the shop page :rofl:

Just adding “per month” to the text here would probably help:

Removing the numbers from the Lesser/Basic/Improved/etc… icons wouldn’t hurt either.


Everything you just said. It’s been chewing me up a bit actually. Bit shocked by how much itll be costing especially with the player cap. Disappointed.


That would make it look like when you purchase it, you’re getting a subscription as well and thus don’t need to worry about “fueling” the world as long as the subscription is kept. It seems this shop/store setup is not designed to handle subscriptions.

The change that should happen which the devs mentioned they’re going to look into is updating the icons for the world fuel products so they don’t specify a time span. That’s what should be done.

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