Alright, so before I start, I should warn that I’m currently butthurt and might sound harsh.
Here, I will list some grievances I have regarding Creative Worlds.
1) World Fuel Cost :
EDIT : this problem has been solved. As highlighted here, the shop webdesign displayed world fuel costs on the front page only for 3km worlds, which was a terrible idea and I’m sure it could have deceived more than one player. I believe the problem has been received and will be changed. But clearly, this wouldn’t have happened if we, the community, were given the pricing info and exact list of options offered by the website as they were decided (which clearly must have happened a while ago) instead of “when the update is released”.
2) Accessing the form after buying :
You can’t see the options on the shop before you buy your world. You have to buy and THEN you see what you might be able to do with it. On its own, I’d be ok with this, but compounded with the rest of my feedback on this thread, I would say this is bad shop design and not ok.
You should be able to peruse the list of biomes and all options you will have before you purchase a world.
Again, this should’ve been discussed transparently with the community before the release was done so we could give feedback about this, because that’s also borderline bad shop design.
And YES, I know some people (like Majorvex) posted directly on the forum the thumbnails of each biome in bigger sizes (not in bigger resolution though) with numbers, but that doesn’t count.
3) Biome information :
As a follow-up with #2, it has been made evident that biomes are more than formations of block, they can affect the weather, even around them. I wish I had known before setting up my world that taking an icy biome would randomly create snowfalls on nearby non-icy biomes too. Some biomes are “wet” and will make it rain more often. That’s useful information to get!
The thumbnails already are small, but some of these pictures show things that aren’t relevant to the actual biome, so that doesn’t help either.
It would also help if you could simply click on a biome thumbnail and get a higher res version of the picture in a pop-up, so you can look closely at it.
4) Creative Weather Control :
As covered in #3, you might currently be surprised to have un-wanted weather pattern on your world.
How about adding a tab to the World Control only for Creative Worlds that would allow you to (at least) reduce the occurence of some weather effects?
Here’s a simple point, I have this level of control in Sanctum Edit, which I don’t have to pay a monthly fee to use. Why not the same for a Creative world?
5) Crop control :
I’ll admit, I wasn’t active during testing of sovereign / creative worlds, and that’s my bad, but I would be surprised if nobody mentioned how dumb it is to have farming working the same way as a survival/sovereign world on a creative world, when you can’t even harvest your plants! Why keep the whole RNG timer thing where you have to wait for your plants to grow? Again, like with #4, we have more control in the Sanctum Edit. Worst case scenario, turn off the entire growth system on a Creative World, and change how the Fertilizer item works into something that cycles the stages of growth of crops. Done!
6) Furniture update :
Something that became horribly apparent after a few hours of play on my own Creative World was that I had ‘nothing’ to build.
When you remove the actual need to craft and manage a base, you’re left with just doing statues and artsy builds. I was going to make a workshop and a fake store just for pretends, and maybe statues or artsy things… but now, the abyssal lack of furniture becomes 100% more apparent. I’m not saying this is priority n°1, but this has to happen soon-ish because it’s becoming ridiculous.
7) Region naming :
When you buy a sovereign or creative world, among the options of control and ownership you would expect, it would seem obvious that being able to decide how a region is named is right up there. I was expecting this and thinking of some names for MONTHS before the update was even put in testing. Turns out, nah, you can’t, you get all these weird… randomized german-ish names we also get on worlds in the survival universe. We should have a tab in the World Control allowing us to change the names of all the regions.
8) Day/Night cycle control :
Suggested by @Spoygg, a great option to add to the World Control would be a way to set the Day/Night to the real-life cycle (of whichever region your world is located in : EUC, USE, AUS, etc). On a Creative World, I would imagine that some would also want to be able to freeze the cycle at anypoint to have a world always at night, or always at noon. Understandably, some builds featuring gleam work better at night. Some that don’t rely on gleam do not and were made to be seen during the day.
9) Flight permission :
On a Creative World, you can turn on/off Flight… for everyone on your world. That doesn’t make a lot of sense. You might want to allow flight as a building tool for those who have the permission to claim land, and not allow it for visitors, who might be supposed to walk on roads you built for them. The current system doesn’t permit this. Flight should become an option similar to “Can plot land” or “Can edit outside of plots”.
10) More crazy options!
Creative Worlds should have some fun rules. Why not add an option to Creative Beacons to disable Grapples? Add a “low gravity” option to your world? That could happen further down the line, of course.
11) Flight animation :
Super low priority, but when you fly in Creative Mode (or in the Sanctum Edit), it looks like you’re glitching all over the place. Now that Creative Mode is an actual thing, it could be nice to polish the experience by making a proper flight animation that feels as good as walking and running.
12) Where are my Atlases?
It may sound stupid, but in Creative Mode, you’re stuck with Creative World Atlases. It would be nice to be able to set an Atlas to a Survival mode, for decoration purposes.
13) Color picker, color picker everywhere!
Private Worlds have added a new Color picker system to chose the colors of blocks on your world. Yet other features like the ‘Beacon Plot Color’ or the coloring tools for skin and clothes are still using the old system where you move from one color to the next with arrows. That needs to be updated quickly!