Was the game Not Just OFFICIALLY released or NOT?

Prestige is a pretty big meta is it not???

Prestige values of blocks have completely changed…

Power Coils worked the same way for all of alpha, pretty big part of the meta right???

Now they work different, now machines without a full set of coils are useless…

Bomb Mining and Chiseling were two actual issues the only two actual issues that really needed to be addressed… Chiseling was solved and bomb mining WAS solved with the xp nerf… The removal of it completely is far too far…

Decorative wood, was already nerfed once with the HUGE prestige hit it took… And now its harder to make just because we need a reason to make waxy earth yams usefull???

Here is a concept… Add another recipe !!! You know add content after release of the game!!! Like Titans and Lances, and Hunters and Prowlers and the hordes of content that were suppose to be getting… Not randomly changing stuff for no great reason!!!

I guess to me its a balance of prestige and recipe complications. And I know it was based on player feedback.

They never said the recipe changes were based on player feedback, they commented on wanting to use the items that players had in storage (at least some players) and the developers thinking the recipes were “boring” and they wanted them to be “fun”. I was never asked why had item in storage or if I thought the recipes were boring. I am not having fun with the new recipes I have to gather more stuff even if it is right out side my door I still have to get it. I was not bored with crafting, I am bored that now I have to craft wax before I can craft a decorative block. I had no concerns about items I had in storage. Some items I am saving for a larger build and some to have a standing supply.

I’m sorry, did I miss something in the update? I’ve not found any of my machines to be useless and I’m not aware of any changes to how spark and power works now?! I only have a mix of basic and a few advanced coils, but I don’t feel there’s anything different in any way really.

I think this is part of the problem… I think it’s been far too easy to create those gleam lantern skyscrapers. All I’ve seen at release of 1.0, from the capital hunters thus far, is how quickly can they spam high-prestige blocks. It’s unfortunate now that this will create a potentially insurmountable target for anyone wanting to compete with them for capital status on an existing planet, but newer planets should still be fair game to them. That balance is needed now, moving forward, before it becomes irreversible.

I’ll take all that saltpetre off your hands… we’re using all we have for forging awesome tools &weapons and for making brews… Hardly USELESS in my opinion.

I’m sorry, but this is utter nonsense… Every MMO that I know of has undergone balance changes before, during and after release. Finding an imbalance in the game early on means that it can be better balanced before more players join and those imbalances become much harder to change. Yes, it can be annoying that what you thought you were working towards has changed slightly, but ultimately I think that some of these changes are needed now, not later.

I played WoW for a long, long time… when I first started, things like skills were completely different than the incarnation you see today (to me they are now a much simplified version, so that they could maintain player numbers by appealing to the more casual gamer).

Desert swords are on ALL starter planets. They may have been rarer in the beginning due to an issue with surface resource regeneration… this has since been fixed.

I agree with this somewhat… although I would like to see it kept for those that like that particular play style, I would only want to see it return if the ability to break just rocks and not resources, was made possible via a boon from forging.

Refined and decorative wood had the wrong prestige values from the outset… they were set way too high and were later brought inline with the values of their stone counterparts.

Good reason… Simple reason… balance. There’s no point adding all that new stuff if the rest of the content still needs balance. Now that the player base is bigger than the small subset of players that were in early access, the metrics can better show where that balance is needed.

Me too - very much this!

I came to the party late… sorry for the long post!


Yes there was a change and no you didn’t miss it in the patch notes. There was an undocumented change with how power coils work.

Max time reduction is down from 75% → 50%
Power coils now reduce spark cost by up to 50%
A single power coil no longer gives max reductions to a recipe that doesn’t require power
Spark costs were increased, not too sure how much or if it was all recipes or just some because undocumented change.

Undocumented and unexplained changes really irritate me, hopefully we get more comprehensive patch notes in the future like they’ve done with the 199.1 hotfix notes.


Was it not something to do with this?


Sry to say that, but i really don’t call it balance, i will call it time wasting.
For most mmo, the materials / gears u farm u can use forever until u get the better version of gears.

After that you can decide to sell it or it become completely useless, but usually you can use the gears for at least 1 month - 1 years.

This game is not only mmo but also sand box game as well, the gear we get here we can only use it for like 1-7 days depends on how hard we use it.

There is no reason i spend hours to grind to make a gear i can only use for like 2-3 days…

Also, most of time we want to use those better gear is because we want to increase the grind speed. its works like we use materials we have (Tools) to trade more materials (gems/ metals…etc).

There is no reason i spend hours to grind to have just enough materials to craft the same tools again.

The grind system need to be worth for players to involve, not waste everyone’s time to keep doing the same thing again and again.

This why i call it time wasting instead of balance.

Next, The game shouldn’t be keep changing the basic game play.
This game unlike normal MMo, we need to do the plan first.
Once the change happen we need to spend 100x more time / materials to do exactly same thing again.
For example Prestige change, people plan to use certain materials to remain the hight prestige for reasons.
Because once they lose the warden, they will lose the name of settlement as well.

For group/ community / guild, name is important.

You don’t want to lose your settlement’s name because devs decide to change the prestige value.
Especially plot system is really complicated to connect / disconnect from others. ( especially for large town)

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But it’s a valid and accepted point of criticism that the release note didn’t contain enough detail.


The bit you quoted from Sulfur about power coils is referring to 198 I believe, not 199.

It was a pretty big change to be completely undocumented anywhere, unless it is somewhere and a bunch of us had missed it.

EDIT: Here’s the quote for clarity.

Well, powercoils reducing spark instead of time, is a core change. you don’t only have to rethink your crafting strategy, but also you may need to redesign the layout of your workshop. And nobody was complaining about this, it’s just came from nowhere. Something that was working well for months on beta, suddenly, they changed it a couple of weeks after release.
This forum it’s becoming a bit difficult, because no matter the topic, the arguments are always the same. The point here is that the game is already released, so the pace of changes need to change. First, bug fixing and optimization, everything else must be done in a more careful way. If they wanted to give any use to some items, just wait some time, think a bit about it, perhaps add decorative blocks 3&4 and put it together on an update with a title like ‘Decorations update’, like most of other games do.
I don’t want to argue about if the changes are good or bad. My concern is about the timing and the way they are managing the changes.

BTW I don’t understand your “can’t” questions. You are trying to say that if they don’t totally remove a feature there is no change?


I have only seen nerfs since release… zero improvements other than bug fixes.


I’ll be honest, I’ve just played as normal and didn’t notice the change, probably because I don’t have a full compliment of machines (as mentioned in my full reply on that subject).

I guess it got missed from the patch notes. Even so, it’s still a balancing thing … something I see maybe changing again when higher tier resources are added.

I think this is just a case of semantics at what core game mechanics means to different people. For me I would define those as the actual ability to craft, hunt, build etc. (Without any attributes, skills or limitations applied to them). The stats around those core mechanics is what I would call balancing, something that is an ongoing process, and something I feel needs to be addressed as early as possible to create a stable, scalable balance to build on with new content.

That is just my opinion though.

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This right here. And the response wouldn’t have been, “I’m not using ash because I want to make bricks with it.”

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Resource regen changes?
Masks? Tables and chairs?

They’ve admitted it’s mostly been bug fixes because the game just released.


This is unfair criticism. As players of this game we should provide useful feedback, understand the developers context, and work with them to make the game more enjoyable for all.

Neither us nor the developers can have their cake and eat it too. People should understand that. The developers have to make some decisions that lead to other decisions and can put them into a design box that is not easy to get out of. Having a community that lacks perspective and refuses to try to get the other sides context, does not help anything.

It is on point, though. For people that need things instantly or as easy as possible I can completely understand that the recent changes would make them mad. But, for those of us that are in it for the fun and overall game taking 15 more minutes to get some mud or buy it to make bricks doesn’t destroy the game.

The largest issue here is almost no one really understand the dynamics of the game behind the scenes and cannot truly understand why the developers make the changes they do - for this game because we aren’t in the room. There is not enough transparency on this, but in most situations the developers sharing why they will do it won’t really help because people aren’t even in a mode to try to understand. It is easier to call the devs stupid and that they made wrong decisions, etc instead of trying to put themselves in their shoes.


The parts your just not understanding is the game was just fine as it was…

People were not running around saying gee I wish I could use this Wax for something…
No they were saying: Gee I wish I could go thru this portal that says “WORLD FULL”

People were not running around saying gee I wish ash was more useful…
No they were saying: New player progression is too hard, how do I find flint? This game is really grind-y!

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In the time I’ve been here, the devs certainly seem more active than many other developers I’ve seen, which I think is fantastic. But making changes that have such a polarizing effect on the community is disturbing to me, and it should be disturbing to everyone else, devs included, as well.

So the devs should ignore how their player-base might feel about a given change, based solely on the assumption that the players aren’t enlightened enough to understand? To me, that is a terrible strategy for working with your players.

Should the devs involve the community in every single decision they make? Of course not, that’s absurd. Should they be asking themselves on a regular basis, “Are we putting forth enough effort in giving the community an active role in the direction of this game?” Absolutely, 100%, yes.

We’re not ignoring anything. I’m aware of all the criticism, constructive or not, that the recent and past releases have generated.

We’re already working on resolving many of the issues.


Yes you can but it’s dramatically slower than just using your hammer to start with. To be clear, that’s not subjective. That’s just math. Bomb mining is completely dead. It has no place in the game anymore.

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Actually there was no wax and to your point. no one was saying I wish there was wax, so I could use it for something. This makes it even worse to me.

Edit: Gravel is the only thing people asked for something to be done with (that I can recall) and the suggestion was a new recipe not changing an old one.