Watch out devs

Or I’ll investigate this update and tell before you can!

What I’ve found so far (Testing server): UI improvements/changes. All sorts of menu changes. Will expound after further investigation.

Menus: Pressing exit brings you to an over-menu, containing Character Menu and Game Options subsections. Looks much prettier than before over-all with a white/grey/black theme and nice rounded buttons and fonts in a rocky-looking boundless-themed border.

 Character Menu:  Inventory, Character, Objectives and Worlds buttons, each leading to their own menus.
      Inventory:  Typical inventory with "Hand Craft" and "Friends" tabs.
      Character:  Contains "Profile" and "Skills" tabs.
           Profile:  Has "Overview" and "Character Attributes" sub-menus.
                 Overview:  "Core Attributes" and "Resistances" expandable tabs!
                      Core Attributes:  Lists quantitized Health and Stamina along with new stats, Vitality/Power/Control
                           /Dexterity and Agility/Intelligence/Luck/Energy.  It also has sub-stats for Modifiers,
                           Damage Modifier/Drop Rate Modifier/Status Effect Duration Modifier/Healing Modifier/
                           Action Speed Modifier/Block Speed Place Modifier, as well as sub-stats for Building Range/
                           Global Armour/Walk Speed/Jump Height.
                      Resistances:  Lists resistances, Self/Physical/Melee/Bashing/Impact/Scraping/Healing/Burn/Chill/
           Character Attributes:  Pretty much identical to previously.
      Objectives:  Mine is greyed-out so far, so no info at this time.
      Worlds:  Contains tabs for Locations, Beacons, Settlements and Worlds.  Very nice!
 Game Options:  Pretty similar to before, has Return to Sanctum, Change Character Model, Reset Controls to
      Defaults, Setting and Quit options.  I will add that the "Settings" sub-tabs and menus are prettied up to the new
      style though!

Non-functionality of menus if you attempt to swap left and right mouse buttons is still an issue.


Please disregard this post :stuck_out_tongue:

My bad. I never moved it back to the news category though. Not even sure how I would do that even if I wanted to.

Edit: Perhaps my editing it “bumped” it back?

If you where actively editing it when I made the edit, it may have bumped it back. I apologize for assuming otherwise :slight_smile: