Weapons damaging doors and locks

When using doorways as areas to fight creatures and dodge, I frequently find myself shooting the open doors off the wall and into my line of sight. It’d be nice to see only tools do damage to blocks and other items. Weapons really need to be doing damage only to mobs.

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Sounds like the mobs should be allowed through the doorways :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve done the hide-and-shoot thing, the mobs can’t reach you, but you sure as fire can hit them :smiley:

Sure, but to see them and hit them they can see and hit you. It’s not like this is some exploit.

But it makes sense for weapons to damage blocks. After all, the same is true in real life!

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@willcrutchley Hahaha, yeah. Hoppers blow up in real life, too!

Point taken, but it’s nice to have a certain level of realism.

Hmm. I would think block damage for weapons should be turned off when in a beacon. Are you in your own beacon? Does this work in somebody else’s beacon?

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@Havok40k My own beaconed area, thus my having doors there!

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Doesn’t work in anyone elses beacons. Only areas where you can break blocks

But I really, really want to use bombs and other explosives (that are totally weapons) for destroying blocks too… :frowning:


Maybe you guys can include an extra beacon option, to allow blocks to be destroyed with Bombs and Weaponry :wink:

Agreed, can’t wait to excavate with bombs :heart_eyes: