Everything looked normal on Cephonex Merika a couple of hours ago.
First there were the occasional sandstorms, but now it seems to be “foggy rain” almost all the time, which looks different depending on which biome you are in (snow in cold bioms for example). The clear weather cycle, if it happens, seems to be very short. Clear weather totems have become a must right now :-/
Seems rather fitting if you think about the climate disaster that is happening in real life, but my money is still on it being a bug in the weather system (which maybe a server restart could fix? @james)
edit: Been this bad for maybe 2-3 weeks now, if I recall correctly.
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It’s been snowing on Houchus for month now boop
I bet you wish it was sprinkles landing on a field of cupcakes…huh…
Oh I like cupcakes and sprinkles!
Hmm, but are they chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
Well at least for those on PC, we can modify the weather effects file and eliminate the fog.
Maybe some can…
This is just me, but im not that good with pc etc… Even if you would show me full tutorial with video i would still doubt “does this harm the game”.
I prefer using files thats alrdy there cause that way you can be sure you are on safe waters…
Main point is that it should t be our chore To modify files To prevent this happening… This is dev thing… And they should Carry their own weight on this matter… Not let us Carry them.
It’s been snowing constantly for me on Cephonex Merika.
Why doesn’t someone simply reset the servers to fix the weather? People claim the devs are still reading the forums.
Devs, instead of wasting 5 to 10 minutes reading the forums reset the servers instead since you are not going to communicate or respond anyway.
Thanks for posting some pictures. I should have done it from the start. Anything we can do to help get the attention of @vdragon or the Devs to see that there are some issues.
As a workaround, I found out how you can force the clear weather quirk being stuck by using the holster tools button, to holster the tool with the quirk, just as you walk through the portal in the sanctum to the planet. If you time it right, you should end up with no tools in hand, but quirks still applied to your character. You can then equip other tools and work in clear weather.
Its like this more than it’s not lol. I have been using mummy brews personally but that is only a quick fix.
My region on Raxxa just alternates between rain and dust storms, with the dust storms ignoring walls.
Has anyone Tried sending a PM to a dev? I think they get email notifications from PMs but don’t always check the forum.
This is one of the reasons I am only a forum snooper now.
@Rydralain which region on raxxa? I remember mapping it 50/50 regions and finding almost an entire region walled off
I’m a short distance from both the old PS hub and the current TNT hub (giant tree). If I put my weather stick away, I get dust indoors.
Is the region a desert with a few layers of wall?
I find that I can appreciate and enjoy the bad weather variations much more now that I can flip them off , , like a switch with the "Clear weather"
quirkYeah, the weather has been bad for me as well! We’ve been noticing it getting worse for the past several weeks!