In steam bug report forum i have placed screenshots of those cubes that are suddenly there that block my plot to set down. can you take a look at it or just say that you have seen it and read it so i know im not getting ignored with it? its rather annoiying if that bug appears.
I think you would be better served by placing the same screenshots on this post, as these forums are frequented much more than the steam bug reports I think. Chances are as well that a community member may be able to help you.
if i place the links of those screenshots outside of steam it says that they are removed or deleted or dindt exist at all…
I don’t mean place the links to the screenshots, I meant the screenshots themselves. You can just drag them into a post that you write and they will upload.
Edit: if you don’t know where your screenshots are, you can right-click on Boundless from within Steam and select “View Screenshots” from the menu that appears and then click on “Show on Disk” from the screenshot uploader window.
This will take you to the physical location of the screenshots on your computer. From there you should be able to drag any screenshots from your computer to your reply on these forums.
ow lol, thx. i have never thought about that in the way you say it lol… ahja common sense rules again
so when they appear even if you cant see them because sometimes they are in the other normal blocks, in the landscape.
so when i find them i then go quit the game come back in and poof they are gone… sort of hide and seek and love to troll you not setting down plots if its there… lol
It almost looks like the end of a pipe. Did you place any pipes that you forgot about?
no lol these things are free of really staying in the center they just there like some twilight explosion. those things of the pipes look grey/blue cubes not the colours these have and size. and my pipes are placed way from it…
Pipes was my initial thought as well, but it just doesn’t look right at all… plus they don’t seem to be centered on the block grid.
My next thought was … The Dreaded Block Parasite …but it doesn’t quite look like that either (and I wasn’t expecting to see that in game just yet!).
May be one for the devs to take a look at … unless anyone else has experienced this before. Devs are on UK time, so you may get a reply tonight if any of them pop onto the forums, but failing that, it may be tomorrow morning before you hear back.
Those are spitter projectiles. What they’re doing sitting around long after the spitter’s gone, I don’t know…
im playing on the server Therka and they appear to be arround these coords -270,89,1970
lol, nice projectiles. shame you can never see them that good… if they spit them
Yota said they are already looking into this bug with the spitter projectiles: Forum post
Well, we did see this bug few days ago… Interesting… we will look into this.
There ya go, I knew someone would know
yes, but atleast i found the bug that you cant place plots on it if they are there i see nothing in that report about it. so yeah…
Thanks for reporting this bug. When we saw this bug, it dissapeared after restarting the game. However, I take it this is not the case for you?
I only wish the block parasite was implemented and creating chaos already!
yes if you read up i said it dissapeared when restarting the game. the first 1 that created that not plot setting. was when i dindt find where it was so the next day on the same spot i couldnt set again. it seems if its in the landscape so you cant see it it stays there until you dig it out and then restart so it dissapears
instantly knew what those were, but was confused as to why they were pretending to be locks lol
maybe its from getting killed so much doing all the exploring i do that ive taken so many of those to the face
you can also see them really well under water