What are all the currently active hunt groups? May 2020

Aussie hunters - 9pm AEST / 7am EST meet at Sydney Lasaina
Naughty - Monday-Saturday at Noon EST/4pm UTC meet at Naughty Hunts
TNT - 830 AEST / 630pm EST meet at TNT
Sasquatches - 830pm EST meet at sasquatchville
Shinra - 11pm EST meet at hunt hive
HSE - Dormant

Can people post times and places to meet?


Isn’t there already a thread where hunters do their announcement? I believe it’s called “not everyone has discord”

Edit here is the other thread:



Yes, but those threads arent used consistently

We STILL don’t have a central “Here are the hunts happening” place

It’s a mish-mash of 10 discords, in-game chats, forum threads, and websites…

We really REALLY need a central hunt location not owned by any one guild/group

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I disagree. A monopoly on anything is never good. There’s room for more than one group of hunters. :blush:

I try to post on the community event in chat, and I think most people get in discord.


no no, no monopoly. many many hunters, many hunts, all different times/zones.

but there needs to be one CENTRAL location for currently running hunts!

Like i said, right now, you have to check a bunch of discords, formus, posts, websites, and chats to find out when a hunt is happening


Maybe the official Boundless discord could have a hunt announcement channel? With the hunt announcement bot in it?


it does.
it is rarely used

If you are a hunter on discord pretty much any group will receive notifications if they have the Hunt bot. :blush:. but I do agree an in game scheduling place would be cool.


They do have the bot. People might not be posting from there, but if a hunt leader posts a hunt on a discord with the bot, it goes to them all… it’s under “looking for group” on the official discord.


I see, that “looking-for-group” is much more active than the other channels

Naughty Hunts Monday-Saturday at Noon EST/4pm UTC. Usually Beseverona… Sometimes we run, sometimes platforms.

We meet at the Naughty Hunt Lodge. Get to us from iLLn Village, TNT and HSE to name a few.

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Is @DeViLiShBeCkS posts the same as aussie hunters? @Sujimichi88 @DrCyanide

Yeah if we have more guild focus on hunting, I want to know too.
Even we have notification of hunting post, I am still looking for one group that run same time daily and fit to my time zone :slight_smile:.


Looks like there are 5 main groups? There’s probably more I’m unaware of though.
Do people know what days of the week each meets?

Becks is now with TNT now and running them under their banner I believe.


This is correct :slight_smile:


And perhaps use that universal time stamp thing?

No idea how

4:00:00 PM

(date=2020-05-08 time=16:00:00 format=“LLL” timezones=“UTC”)

Instead of () use

Has to be a formatting option to get rid of the day too…

There has to be more info on how this works, anyone know the name of the forum software Wonderstruck is using?


Discourse …linux/Ember.js/Ruby on Rails

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