What are the co-ordinate limits?

My apologies if this has already been asked and answered but I’m curious as to what the maximum x and y co-ordinates are. As in how high do the co-ordinates go before wrapping around back to 0? Is it 9999N, 9999E to -9999N, -9999E or something smaller than this?

I am asking so that I know which way would be quickest to get to a particular co-ordinate.

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Worlds are currently 288x288 chunks I believe, but may be larger/smaller in the future. Each chunk is 16x16 blocks so that gives you coordinates from -2303 to 2304, I think


If you want fastest way:

  1. get a warp augment, go to sanctum, select a new location with totem loaded with warp augment where you want to go, use the right-warp to go there.


  1. places menu; locations; custom destination, input xyz and the compass will show you the shortest direction to travel in.

Thanks for the info guys :slight_smile:

Do worlds with size 192 or 384 are expected?