What are these skills for?

In the skills menu there are a few skill lines I can t figure out their purpose.
In the Attributes there is a kill line called “Control Bonus”.
Also in the Attributes is a skill line called “Energy Bonus”.
And in the explorations line the “Shout Range”.

What are these for/going to be for?

Energy Bonus is for Stamina… not in game yet
Shout range is to increase the range at which your chat messages can be received by another player.
Control bonus… increases the distance at which you can interact with a block, like mining or chiselling a block further away from you. Useful in caves. The throwing thing is possibly for bombs and its not in game yet.

Shout range increases distance people can see your chat messages, energy bonus increases max. stamina, which will be implemented in a future update (next update I believe). Control bonus increases throwing speed, for future bombs, and interaction range, the range at which you can interact with machines etc

Ok then :joy: beat me there @knightsb


ahhh… thanks