What are your prefered glass colors?

So many beautiful colors in boundless :slight_smile: and while I’m sure demand can vary depending on what individual style you go for, I’m sure many people got some rough standard style or “go-tos” that they would pick on an average when it comes to colors for glass.

So whats your favorites in glass colors? :slight_smile: Let me know! It will help me build up a more demand orientated stock. Thanks in advance for you all’s input :slight_smile:

I usually use black glass, because I find it’s the best for being able to see through without too much reflection.


I think black and white are the most common colors that are used. :slight_smile: those i will definitely stock the most. And @antonius025 helped me greatly with that when he sold me a bunch of black gleam a while back.

My question is more, what else than black and white do people use? Of course one has some exceptional builds here and there with special colors of a few pieces.

But like how many people would consider a green color on an average? Or some sepia? Is shadow red highly wanted by @MrsStar or @georgegroeg ? Or are they self maintaining? I will try to get my hands on all colors. But I want to know which colors to give more priority.

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There is only one answer … every color. Especially red! Thousands of smart stacks of red.


i love plain azure glass panes, they looks awesome placed at water surface :smiley:


I like to use luminous azure instead of white for that little hint of blue.


I like them sky blue and thereabouts (not the actual Boundless blue tints): my usual choices are azures and brighter ceruleans and also luminous turquoise (which I find amazing).

So, yeah, that’s what I pick if I decide not to use black glass for maximum transparency.

But I use other tints as well trying to match colour scheme of the builds.



and here’s luminous turquoise on water (the narrow strip leading from the bridge to the center of the build):


I don’t use colored glass much so I am not much help. Only used less then 100 for my stage and I make my own black glass.

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I still buy shadow red glass blocks and panes. But I use a variety of other colours and the old glass shop I was using doesn’t want my business anymore so I’m definitely looking for a new spot. :ok_hand:
Where’s the store located?


Depending on what Im building I use various colors. I enjoy a rainbow of colors, so having a goto color for say red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple etc. works well much like I had in my concrete shop.


Im not selling yet, I’m still collecting and buying gleams. And i need lots. My shop is at THE FUTURE MALL and will focus solely on ornate glass cubes and panes. Theres different people in the plain and stylish glass business so i dont want to interfere with their business. I wanna help the community by filling the gap in the market. Plain and stylish glass is easy and relatively cheap to make, so i leave that to existing shops and new comers of that business line.

I will soon make a own topic where i advertise and share pictures of my shop :slight_smile:

But i want to drop down the info already in here that :

i buy all on sovereign unlocked colors for 2c a piece. 1 basket each. I gladly buy more of a color! The baskets getting regularly filled up with coins and alternative i do private deals for bulks. Gleambow gleam i buy at 2000c and gleams found on exos have an adapted price

Find my shop at THE FUTURE MALL - name is Ornate Glasscrafts @FUTURE MALL

I will try to have soon my first ornate glass cubes and panes sold :slight_smile:

Any helpers to get my business going will be greatly appreciated :heart: You can help out buy selling gleam but also by letting me know of your gleam ball farms and colors set and changing colors on a regular. So either I can farm them, or maybe someone that wants to support the business and make some coins along with that. :smile:

At a later point of time i will buy also other goodies that are needed to maintain the stocks.

I doubt i will be able to do much gleambow exclusive colors in my shop, but it also depends on if theres gleam sellers or if i might do gleambow hunting.
In any case, those will be very expensive as they take A LOT of gleam. I rather not buy them at 5000c as I’m doubting people wanna pay several thousands for just one piece of glass :joy:

For all the curious people out there:

Ornate Glasscrafts is sponsored by @HOST.
I would not be able to do this if it wasnt for him.
At least not so soon.


If you go for rainbow colors do you rather go for pure colors? Or more color intense colors as well like vivid, deep, strong etc.?

Do people in general rather work with color intense glass? Or do people enjoy glass with little hints that you find either in very bright colors or very dark colors?

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If I am totally honest, I pretty much make most of the glass I need and mostly only buy plain glass and that is usually and almost always black because I need it in bulk.

With ornate glass, for me I use strictly white ornate as I use it mostly for accents.

However, with my concrete shop I was looking for bright colors and of course don’t have to be pure, but just a goood representation of a “rainbow” of colors. Hopefully that helps.


Another question but not that significant:

  • I buy mostly Glass Blocks
  • I buy mostly Glass Panes
  • I buy both Glass Blocks and Panes to nearly equal amounts
  • Other, please give more information :slight_smile:
0 voters

I will of course sell both, but maybe once again theres some kind of trend going that i wanna know about so i can focus on that more :smile:

Thanks everyone that has replied so far!

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I dont have a specially colour but i do love ornate glass so whenever the shop is stocked up i will come buy some stacks

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For me, the ornate is the most frustrating to make. I’d rather buy it than make it. I’ll keep you in mind for color requests.

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