What did you do in Boundless today?

I checked out my new T6 planet. The surface a disaster, 90% water. But it should only be a mining planet anyway. Don’t know if I’ll make it public yet. But I think the values are quite acceptable.

Medium Fossil : 26.09%
Silver Ore: 13.46%
Raw Amethyst: 3.28%
Raw Emerald: 1.21%

And a lot more, but those are just the things I wanted.


Don’t go by percentage. Check the density of the resources. Is the resource far spread and the atlas shows patchy or is it a big blob. Also the color shown on the atlas is important. I had a friend with a planet with almost 13% emerald. As I checked the planet the emerald was so far spread and the terrain (also underground/underwater) was very deadly and unattractive. The percentage does not tell much really and sometimes lower percentages can be even better. Better check boundlexx and the overall count or amount per chunk. :slight_smile:

Yes, that means you need to unlock each planet you create completely and check then the atlas and the boundlexx infos and compare to other planets. It’s lots effort. But the only real way to figure out if a planet is good and useful.


nice. i like using titanium axes with zero energy aoe and durability. with persisting pies they last a long time.

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I shared love with fellow oortians and farmed, crafted and restocked flower bouquets :slight_smile:

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Cool effect

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17 posts were merged into an existing topic: Which forging strategy really works for everyone?

Today i spent time traveling homeworld’s filling atlases Ive not yet gotten all the regions of

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Today I spent practising forging on a creative world. Literally :crazy_face:

First time posting on this thread and I thought it was fitting.


Some progress on the inside of the new farm today :slight_smile:


Did more roof work yesterday and this morning… ill post a shot once i have a decent section done.

  • greeted HOST with the /salute emote
  • went mining on Miau X and Miau XIV
  • rebuilt the Main Hub on Miau XI
  • gathered gleam, because unfortunately my request baskets are still empty
  • tried to find out some technical things so as not to be surprised later when building the new machine hall because I can no longer place machines, but unfortunately found nothing

Did a bit of roof work :expressionless: slow going process :wink:
Anyway I like the design so far.

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Got some heart stones.

Farmed about a chest of sand.

Mine Denesit for 30+ stacks of ore and other loot.

Mine Psychoid II for rocks, really. Some loot though. I took a shot at completing this atlas but it’s a 64 region planet and it’s rough. I got to 15/64 and just went back to mining.

Filled my rock tables twice with mining rocks.

Bought about 10k thermal sacs to grind into essence.

Smelted ores, mixed alloys, compacted, refined, etc… plus almost 20 stacks of cogs. Started extracting the sacs. Etc…

IRL - 4 to 5 inches of snow today :rofl:

I added a full shop stand of refined iron to my beacon on Minorengle, cheaper than I usually would but I’ve been filing some chests with cogs and that means a lot of extra iron.

50c each I collect less than 8c/iron ore after taxes.

Also @Balkinus if you enable plotting on Miau XI and I’ll come dump some gleam in your baskets. Or DM for a direct sale, I have a little over 1.2m in white, deep lavender, and hot cherry for sale right now.

Eventually I just put them in baskets, but only when I can reclaim near the baskets. Still I prefer to sell directly it saves us both a lot of trouble.


plotting is active, but please only campfires

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I’ll come and do it, maybe tomorrow it’s very late here. I just want to put a beacon down, open a reclaim, fill the baskets, then delete it. That way I don’t have to run across 4 planets/hubs for each basket. You have enough baskets out for me to empty one of these:


Do you prefer one of those colors over another?

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No, I love all colors. And I will setup more baskets, then you could do it tomorrow

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That’s fine, after I sleep so probably 10 - 12 hours from now.

Also now the thread is “What will you do in Boundless tomorrow” :rofl:

Sorry just some tired humor.


How dare you not wave?! :joy: joking. Even though people greet with wave and say goodbye with salute, for me the salute is like showing extra honor/respect towards the person you’re greeting ^^ what are your thoughts?

Yesterday I also started to rebuilding the Hub of SUNSET FORGE MARKET. Otherwise nothing special. I’m closing TNT ALL BLOCK MUSEUM portal and I’m gonna close also Ultima. Nobody uses those portals. And in addition I never see anyone at ERESHO HUB or even planet. Sorting out what’s not used saves me oort.

What you want to know is how to connect spark generators so you can build long link routes and the other thing is the 512 specific blocks per chunk (a chunk = 2x2 plots). Mesh limit counts from world top to world bottom.


More roof work :grin: placing and chiseling… now i got to do my closing ritual at work :wink:

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  • did field work, harvesting and sowing
  • operation forging
  • emptied some request baskets with gleam (I’ll do the remaining 800000 tomorrow), thanks to @Nightstar for all the gleam
  • spoke a little with @May-L04