What did you do in Boundless today?

The lattice with foliage looks very nice :+1:


Jumped back in game for first time in a while due to real life stuff.

Was a good laugh catching up with friends. Reminds me how much I’ve missed playing.

Managed to tag along on @SWProzee1 loot run which was chilled fun.

Need to try get on more but real life sucks atm. Too much going on.


Went on a reaper hunt.
Missing from this pic… @Vanqu1sher. He was camera shy lol



What a cool pic!


Placed some coils (most last night), placed some gems and chiseled. I forgot to take pics at that time heh.

Placed glass and chiseled. I chiseled and chiseled.

Finished most of the gleam. No chiseling :sweat_smile:

Placed more gleam.

Went to the other side and placed more gleam. I considered adding another layer of gleam and making it the actual floor. The colors look nice :man_shrugging:

Then I placed the machines, and did a bit of rework on the way. Not much chiseling :rofl:

All this time the generators are loading spark. I started that a little early I actually had to make the red glass while I was chiseling the other glass…

I decided in the end to go ahead with the white floor.

The gleam can shine through the cut gems but not the concrete itself. Since there’s no roof or anything the lighting looks pretty different throughout the day cycle. I haven’t decided what to build over it yet but I might put a lot of glass in the roof :thinking:

It turns out the wide, beveled holes around the machines work pretty well. Last time I built something in a similar layout I used panes, which meant the glass was solid to the machine but you could catch on them and over time it actually got pretty irritating.

Since the pump mesh consumes the block no matter it’s state (I tried you can’t really ‘ride’ them), this is smoother than anything with a slope and no catches like the flat panes. I’ll see over time if it gets me impact damage on a speed brew like both of those floors did.

Tonight I’ll get some tables over by the workbenches, probably furnaces, and maybe a minter install. I didn’t leave much room for storage on the factory floor. I think that’s ok it will stop me from leaving bits of junk everywhere. I might slip in some shop stands for materials I use a lot of but with chests it’s a lot easier to misplace stuff than with open storage. I’ll probably put some storage cubes around the walls again.

It’s good though I have a working factory and something to build around. On my way to being a functional citizen again :rofl:


Probably a good idea to add some plots :smirk:


Got my sponge color storage organized. All storage aisles widened and rock and wood organized.

Tomorrow I’ll work on sand and gravel. Then I’ll see if I can change the colors on my sov yet. Might join a hunt to feel less lonely, we’ll see.


Streamed yesterday a bit boundless and figured out how to make the PS4 standard mic work on stream :smile:

Worked yesterday again on a part of my hallway decoration (latticed wood and foliage) and after I worked on the Hub center around the arch and tried to make things a little prettier.

Now again back, my discord contact at the SUNSET FORGE MARKET if any requests or questions arise.


looks impressive, ill jump there to take a look :smiley:


Thanks. I got some tables on, still working on lights though. Also some small storage for spanners and the like.

I wanted to do furnaces tonight but I’m not sure if I’m going to make it. I think in the end I might wrap the whole thing in a brick ziggurat and leave the top open. I’ll have to see how I feel about the weather though.


I added 2 minters, and some larger storage. There’s 24 chests tucked in here that should let me completely empty a reclaim from even a multi-day block farming run :sweat_smile:

I ran this detail line around the build and i want to fill it with resin but, it’s great for light and resin blocks the light. Also any liquid here will flow over my tables. I’m not sure if I want that.

Anyways - 3 AM no more today.


Not much. Gifts distributed. Ordered my fields.


That’s an awesome picture. Caught us calling down the meteors with a little disco dancing. :man_dancing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::+1:


you might want to try out to replace some of the lattice blocks with foliage so it looks as if the foliage grows through the lattice every now and then :slight_smile:


I ended up taking a trip to the newest exo and mining a bit there. After about thirty or so minutes there, I decided it was time to spend a bit mining some silver. I probably mined for a bit under an hour for silver, but I’m definitely happy with the haul tonight.



8ss silver Like on a good silver planet on T6 sov in a hour .

Would recommend to Farm silver on T6 sov Like Fantasia.

Greetings Turrican2006


Literally nothing calculating the sparkline route and im getting to much interruptions at work today :expressionless:.

Going insane…. All ik know per line 12 machines and 14 links are set can’t be changed. Also at least 3 ar stuck per machine (makes 36 links).

So got wiggle room of 50 links… :expressionless: me brain can’t remember the idea with every interruption :wink:. Ill get it at some point :expressionless:


Since depression and fear of the future are plaguing real life again, I haven’t done much in Boundless because I most likely won’t be able to afford gaming any longer. - I made farm tools for my shop at SUNSET FORGE MARKET. However, the Centraforge wasn’t very nice to me, but I know that all too well now.


Today been making new portals on my sovereigns.Having a blast looking round different planets.im not bored of boundless this year as had some ideas that are motavating my creativeness.Im looking forwards to hogwarts 5th of may.I know ill probably be playing that soon but wont leave boundless just yet as more things to create yet.Im in no rush.All we have is the presant moment anything can happen so im enjoying it while i feel that feel good cosmic vibes.Have fun whatever ya all do.Lifes short, shine bright and dont look back, keep moving forwards & stay in your true power.Have self belief and follow your own path and you cant go wrong.:heart:


Today I set out to make a soil farm. I had some farms on Minorengle but I reclaimed them when I moved to Raxxa. I wasn’t sure what kind I would make, maybe several simple ones.

I was looking for a spot to plot more than one type of soil when I came upon some nice layers and spent a good while finding a spot where I could plot a straight run of these layers.

So here is “Layer Cake”.

It’s a small regen farm where you pull equal amounts of clay, silt, and sand on each pass. Something to do when I’m not sure what to do :rofl:

I don’t usually make elaborate farms, and I almost never add processing equipment. I really like this spot though, and since it’s just for random times I figured, what the heck. I spent the afternoon setting this up with just about as much equipment as I could tuck away into a 3x3 farm.

This is also the first time I’ve used this Night Green marble I made a ton of. Wow it’s almost claustrophobically dark.

I left a couple of convenient openings for campfires, and there’s a portal to my base.

My soil farms are usually simple spots, like, plot a hole simple. For a small build I’m happy with this, though I’m not sure if I’ll use the machines more over time or just drop a campfire and drag stuff home. If it has mob trouble I’ll glass it in but for now I like it opening out the side of the hill.


Fantasia is definitely good, but I’ve been farming on Delta V this week. I love the natural colors and the lack of rocks. I’ve been slowly discovering the planet by mining toward the center of the zones. I found I get roughly the same on any of the good silver sovs, but I don’t min/max my mining anymore. I’ve found it is much more relaxing just to turn on some good music, grab some durability hammers, and just roll. If I don’t hit silver for a couple of minutes, I check my location and usually have to drop back down to 30-35ish.

As for today, I got a full hour of mining on Delta V today instead of the 35-40 minutes I got yesterday. Channeling my inner @Nightstar I’ve started tracking everything onto a spreadsheet like I usually do when I’m on my home PC.


When I finished cleaning out my reclaim, I realized how bad (read really really bad) I am at actually processing anything. I love gathering, but I hate processing it unless I need the materials right then. So, I’ve been spending the last week processing at least a couple hundred thousand ore of different types. I still have about 6 chests, and I can’t help gathering more. So I’m hoping to finish up my chores (i.e. moving metal around) and get a small amount of building in tonight before bed as well.


Started on an XP room thanks to an @Ovis video i watched.