What enemy really is?

So are game enemies NPCs or other AI entities ? If they are other AI entities what then ? :slight_smile:

But… we already answered this… enemies are MOBs, and venders, guards, quest givers, and other non-player characters are NPCs.

A mob (short for mobile, or Monster Or Beast as a bacronym) is a generic term for any non-player entity whose primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot. They tend to be aggressive to all players.

AI is just a generic term for an entity given behavior parameters. “Static” entities are neither Ai, NPC, nor MOBs, but rather ambient animation or particle effects.


But this line from wikipedia falses that:

The term carries a connotation that the character is not hostile towards players; hostile characters are referred to as enemies, mobs or creeps.
Source: Non-player character - Wikipedia
So practically some wikipedia contributor think enemies, mobs and creeps dont have AI XD and reason for that is Neverwinter Nights franchise where hosting player is master of all in multiplayer :stuck_out_tongue:

Both are an AI.

Just with different purpose and/or behavior.


@Vastar’s picture sums it up fairly well.

Let’s think of AI as a basket and NPCs, monsters, bosses, players, and developers as eggs.

The AI basket holds the NPC, monster, and boss eggs. But you can’t call that basket the “Boss Basket”! Because it holds monsters and NPCs in it. Players and developers still have important jobs but they belong in entirely different baskets. So yes, NPCs can have AI, although most simply have loops of animations and preset dialogue options, which isn’t really intelligence (but that’s another topic). But not everything with AI is an NPC.

To delve into this a bit deeper, let’s see what NPC stands for…as others have said, it’s “non-player character”. That last word is crucial. Character. Think of characters, again as someone has already elaborated upon, as beings (typically named) that have some sort of effect on the story. These can be named bosses (Ragnaros, VanCleef, Mannimarcos, Nightmare Court queen whatsherface, etc.), named friendlies (Anduin, The Prophet, Eir), and named neutral entities.

Typical “boar”, “dragon hatchling”, “wild scorpion”, etc. don’t have any impact on the story. They’re there to provide a challenge to players or to provide context to the story, but they don’t impact it directly or have any options for really interacting with the world besides wandering around or standing still until a player approaches. These are enemies, mobs, creeps, baddies, etc. They’re not characters. They’re just fodder to swing your sword at. But the main thing is they’re not characters.

Does that make any more sense?

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It totally make sense now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I always think things way too complicatedly and oddly :sweat_smile: Thank you :slight_smile: