What is coming up next?

We should have gotten the Hunter (or Warp Wraith as it’s now called apparently) before Farming so am assuming that will come in a few weeks. Hopefully together with the Prestige crops and of course a few weeks of bug fixes and QoL updates which is needed at the moment after the massive update we had!


I know, was just having alittle fun with the post. Cheers.

The contract system would be so amazing! I would love there to be ‘posting’ boards in cities that people could go to vs searching for request baskets! Would be so awesome :smiley: :smiley: and really help cities!


oooooohhhhh . Fishing would be really awesome imo. If I had to vote, the following would be next:

  1. Hunter (or any mob variations as the existing creatures are getting really stale)
  2. Fishing
  3. Contracts - Requester adds money in advance to a contract. Fulfiller accepts contract and, upon turning it in, gets the money instantly. Contracts should have timers so that people don’t accept contracts and then forget about them thus blocking others from fulfilling them.
  4. Trigger system / advanced machine system - movable platforms, automated doors, etc.

If we do fishing I would hope it includes scuba and other water treasure, dungeons, or things that keep us underwater longer.


Yeah that’d be sweet. One of my favorite aspects of Creativerse was hunting for treasure.


With how clear the water is while swimming now it would be great to get some underwater content.


The glass underwater to be a bit more clearer would be great, the latest update was a big improvement but still needs more work. Underwater builds still don’t really have a view that actually makes you want to look through the glass. The glass should be just as clear as if you’re swimming in the water … it would probably really help wonderstruck if whoever is responsible for that part of the graphics to actually visit an aquarium to see what it looks like looking through glass when there’s water on the other side :grin:


The Ground Basher, Stone Thrower and Hunter would be nice. And a force Regen every 3 or 4 months lol


i want everything yesterday :joy:

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The forced regen of this last update was really nice!~ I was online shortly after the servers came up and everything was amazing! So many resources


Hopefully it will take a while for it to get back to normal spawn rates! This is the first 1 I’ve been around for so I don’t know how long it last like this.

I agree! It’s been awhile since I’ve seen so many flowers everywhere…it’s a lot of fun running around and collecting everything :+1:


Does anyone know how long it will last? And I would Love to see it done every three months, or even every six months, It helps a lot to get items that are hard to find.

And in what is coming next, I have no idea. I think the Hunter, Warp Wraith it seems it has been changed to (like Hunter better) is still being worked on, it is harder to make than what they though, guessing, as we haven’t heard a word on it for some time.

For me, Fishing ! ! ! I would love to see us be able to build some type of dingy, raft or something that we could fish from. No dangerous fish, that would not be good for new players to have to worry about and we have to swim so much it would just be another pain in the rear to have to worry about a fish biting you while you swim. The critters on higher level planets is enough of a pain; don’t want fish nibbling on us.

Real quests, I know that in a way the objectives are a type of quests, but I’d like to see real ones that would give more than coins, skills and cubits. The treasure hunt type where we are to go to a certain site and maybe dig for something that will show up, have a time limit, and you can get something, food, tools, weapons, brews. Similar to the snow meteorites, but for a single player.

Swim faster, and be able to hold our breathe longer when under water. There is so much water and a lot of the mats are under water and too deep to reach in some areas.

But, neither of these have been mentioned as possible, so it is just wishing. The swimming we have and able to breathe longer was added, but I’d like to see a slight increase, especially being able to stay under longer.

As for what will come, haven’t the faintest. Hoping after the patches all get finished on farming they will give us some info.


All I want in this game is a search bar in the knowledge tab. This would be the biggest QOL update, and it would help new players feel comfortable learning the game without having to ask for as much help.


T4 lush world for Australia. It doesnt have t4 and we are missing some exotic yam bulbs :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t know what’s next, but I’d love to see a
a persistent T7
More blocks of any kind
More skills of any kind
More monsters "
More races, customization


T8 dungeon worlds where you can find the materials to build your own dungeons and of course … pants


I know that following the farming update we probably will get smaller releases while the team pushes out a few items they have been working on and queue up their next big project.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the hud remake. They posted screen shots…searchable everything! It looked so good XD would be such an amazing update! It looked mostly done…but who knows if it was just art and not the coding of it haha.


Oh man, I hope the HUD remake will be coming soon. My memory for recipes isn’t great, and if I can’t remember what filter to use when looking for a recipe it’s a nightmare.

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