It’s mail box, I think you see it when you receive message (and send?) pm via mailbox. But I have seen it also on some players in universal chat messages.
Maybe there is some bug that leave this icon on?
Am I in Trouble ( ;.; ) what me do how me fix it
Maybe you ate to many cookies?
What happens at cookie parties…stays at cookie parties.
For real tho, I think Almund is right. But idk why its on your guild overview. Maybe because you are the leader, and the leader of the guild is the one to recieve the messages from guild beacons? Total guess…
Edit: guess is wrong…
Surprising enough me not the guild leader @VirtualEclipse is ma Senpai lol
I am the leader lol. Check your PMs and the guild book maybe since you are member controller might be something there. Or notifications etc.
edit: checked, nothing in the guild might be a glitch @james
Me Promise Me Always Share ma s it wasn’t there yesterday @VirtualEclipse I keep checking ma plots it scary
Ah dont worry, you behave very nice most of the time ;3 doubt its anything really :3
And I have seen this symbol like was mentioned before too in the all chats.
its a glitch, it happens, will go away
It went away it scared me like I ate ma last
Yep it’s a glitch those show up all over the place no clue why
I once talked with @Nightstar nd for some reason it had the mail box symbol after his name even tho he was talking not through a mailbox. I just ignored it
It was cookie overeat virus u will be healthy soon u need to eat more cookies to fight it over. Cookies are good for every virus!! If you eat too much u need to eat even more thats a golden rule !
Nah that a normal ammount for everyday regulars who grind out and work everyday. I know alot of people woth more than that
way way more then that
If you seen ma me need More lol @Marcello666
seems you know that “white n nerdy players”
i played about 9 month boundless…
heres one of my 5 chars…
oups… iam that white n nerdy one too, i guess…