What new update would you like to have?

All of the above and a scrapper machine that you could put finished product in, for example a table you no longer want. This machine would give back a portion of the materials used. Then you could reuse the materials for something else you need or want.


Yes actually. Viva la revolution! We are protesting our Diapers and demanding pants! i cant find the post, but Prof pics of pants has a thing behind it.


I finally gave up on pants. I don’t even wear them IRL anymore out of protest.


Wait! What?

If you mine 200 rough diamonds and sell those for 50c each you already made 10k.

If you somehow get less than 200 on 1 10k costing hammer you are probably not mining in the right spots.


What she said.
I usually go mine sapphire or topaz and each hammer gives me around 500-600 pieces.

I go to exos for the rest gems and I usually get the same amount


Plantable trees.
Tree farming.


A machine that changes igneous rock and sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock so you can use the metamorphic rock to make marble faster. It takes me roughly 35 minutes to change 3ss to metamorphic rock and I tend to get really bored changing the rock.


Agree. A transmute machine that takes your chisels.


I would like the ability to color change any and all natural blocks (Gleam included).


This, @James … There’s a few other shapes that could also be useful, as described in an above post with images.


Well I was going to say the next update should allow us to dance like MC Hammer, so I’d like to join the pants party. I hope my new profile pic conveys that point.

Concept art for hammerdance:


Some sort of waterbreathing gear would be great.



A new update I would like to have is a buff to sprays/pigments. Different types of blocks that are sprayable and the ammount of times you can use a single spray can.

An extraction or deconstruction machine that turns crafted items back into some of their base ingredients, like being able to turn a decorative gem block back into compact or just raw ore.

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This is exactly how I feel. We need something to chase and show off once we’ve finally achieved the goal. Whether that’s unique wearables, tool reskins, pets, paints, or whatever.


Just two simple things would make Boundless much more user friendly (simple in function, no idea whether it would be simple to code!).

  1. A ‘mass craft all’, or ‘mass craft X 10’ button, or something similar. Having to manually press the button each time just seems a bit naff. (I know there are work arounds for this, but it should be an option in game.)

  2. An option for some kind of auto-sorting of personal and storage inventories. I say option, so that those that want to manually sort they still can. But to have no auto-sort option in game, again, just seems a little naff.

I’d be interested to hear if these have not been implemented due to coding complexities, or if it’s a design choice. If it is a design choice, what would be the reason behind that?

These two seemingly small changes would have such relatively big QoL improvement, in my opinion!


To me, the shields that were teased are a pretty welcome addition, because my god do I hate cuttletrunks.

I don’t really have anything practical to wish for because I’m mostly satisfied with the game, but while googling for concept art I stumbled upon this, and I think it’d be pretty rad to have a handful of races to choose from. Nr. 2 and 14 especially.

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I know there are workarounds but it would be nice to easily identify where chunks are using builder mode.

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That would be very helpful from time to time. I haven’t been affected by mesh limits since the glass update but I’m a small time crafter and I know people have to figure out the chunks for their huge factories.