What should we name the tower?

Tower of Dawn has a good flow to it, but so good it’s already a book (googled it). I don’t have any suggestions but wanted to say it looks dope. Also my new tower is going to have “Needle” in the name, for what it’s worth. I’m not great at naming things unless it’s some kind of parody or snarky play on words.

Would be cool to see how the light up top looks in the dawn/dusk setting with a colorful sky behind it.


It’s also the final tower to climb in Prince of Persia : Sands of Time. That’s where I got the name from.^^
That part of the game was so hard for me the first time that I remember crying out of frustration. :rofl:


Hmm, i had a punny idea, if those chunks lined up right, you could make a crevasse thru the building from west to east and top to bottom, thus removing a bunch of meshes etc. Then, when the run rises, it could be the Crack of Dawn Tower… if your crevasse lines up with the dawn =) I don’t recall if the sun rises at exactly due west or slightly south/north of it (it should rise in the east but does not)

Tower of cosmic dreamz or Tower of cosmic dimentions or Tower of cosmic dream waves.These are a few ideas, oh hang …on Tower of starseed ascention .Of course its me cosmiccori so any idea i have is always linked to the cosmic universe i cant help it its in my dna ! Hope you choose what feels right to u.if you have to think twice about any of these ideas then it aint the right one.Do you feel the vibe? Best of luck choosing a name for this beautiful building ,i love the colours :alien::purple_heart::sparkling_heart:

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That won’t happen because doing a crevass inside the tower would make it harder to navigate and would ruin a lot of my work. ^^
Buuuuut good try. ^^

I won’t go with the full suggestions you made, buuuut I’ll see what options I can come up with based on them! :wink:

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Guess I’m too late with Towery McTowerface. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yes you are! :stuck_out_tongue:
You may however participate in the second poll, here.

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In Gob’s new poll, he used your idea and changed it up a bit - to spire of ascension, really like that idea :+1:t2:


Omg ! im so happy (GOBS ) inspired by my name ( Tower of starseed Ascention.I wasnt expecting any of my name ideas to actually be picked.Thats cosmic indeed & ill pop by when im on boundless next to see the name on a sign.Thanks for letting me know im really glad i inspired you.:sparkling_heart:I cant help but have something connected to the universe i like cosmic starry stuff and im a sci fi girl.see you soon my sweeties :alien::sparkling_heart:.P.s may the force be with you …spire of ascention is really good & unique.


Really love your new name ( spire of ascention) Epic :star_struck:


Well, the winner of the final poll was The Raxxian Reach with 34% of the votes.
“The Spire of Ascension” and “The Cosmic Breach” were just options for the final poll.


:sweat_smile: :roll_eyes:


I love the name - little wonder it won, it really has a great ring to it. :sunglasses:


As much as Goblin and I argue and fight (sometimes on important points, sometimes on just stupid nuances that make no real difference) he knows that I love his creativity and what he has brought to Boundless. Builds as his (and those that supported his Raxxian area) really help bring inspiration and showcase the special parts of this game. We are better off with people like him building as much as they can! :slight_smile:

I’m happy he liked my tower name to even put it on the poll and that the community liked it as well.


The name goes well there & i loved walking round the hotel.I was being nosey the other week & walked round the whole building.Really pretty & i adore the details.Goblinours was frozen there on the roof bit when i was looking round but he wasnt there in body as i waved and he didnt move an inch.He was probably having a break.Its very pretty to look at and looks epic with the rest of the builds there.Cosmic !!!:sparkling_heart:

Owh? Yeah, it happens to me to go afk while I eat and such, sorry I missed your visit. :sweat_smile:

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Lol i was live streaming at the time & randomly thought ooh ill go check out you & hosts hotel and see how its looking.I loved walking around going up each staircase to see another pretty creation.Your talents are appreciated by boundless players so keep building beautiful unique builds.The views from the staircase looking over the houses is stunning.Your doing amazing & its inspireing to me as i appreciate peoples creativity.Its an important talent people should express more.it makes people happy looking at art cause thats what it is.Anyway ill probably be on boundless tonight building stuff in lamblis so have a happy cosmic night & host & i beam over very soon.:heartpulse:p.s great name by the way.p.s i wish i could live there in earth time but id have my spaceship on the roof …