What should we name the tower?

This tower

This is the big-chongus-project I’ve started with Host several months ago, and on which I’m working every so often, usually during the week-end on my streams.

This tower features crafting stations, a bank, a gleam exhibit, and above what’s currently built, I will make a complex set of hanging gardens leading all the way up to sky-limit.
But so far, I just call it “The Tower”, or “@HOST’s Tower”.
Kinda think there are cooler names to find.
So here are a few options, and do feel free to suggest your own ideas, in case you got something awesome that out-classes all other options.

  • Tower of Stability
  • Tower of Dawn
  • Sky-Reach Tower
  • Cloud-Rise Tower
  • Tower of Enlightment
  • The Needle
  • Slip-Stream Tower
  • Builder’s Folly
  • Architect’s Madness
  • The Stairs to Nowhere
  • The Waste of Plots
  • The big box
  • The “I wish it was mine” Tower
  • That thing he’s never going to finish
  • Tower of Fhtagn :space_invader:
  • I have an idea! (comment below!)

0 voters


Maybe Raxxian Skyward or Raxxian Reach… I do like something with reach… maybe thesaurus the word… Or Tower to the Gods or something…

Otherwise looks real nice. Can’t wait to see it in person and with the gardens.


Tower of Sisyphus


Raxxian Tower of Marvel

Just found “Waste of Plots” funny xD I will try think of something


The beacon.

Waist of plots is funny but that is what popped in my mind.

The Beacon
The Raxxian Beacon

My mind took me right away to Minecraft.
The beam of light when you turn on the beacon in MC (sorry for the reference but thats the best way to describe what my mind sees).
Not saying at all to add that (waist of plots :wink:)
But my mind just imagined the light beam on top of the building.

Edit (9hours later :wink:)
Second line should end with a dot behind funny.
And that is what popped in my mind was “the beacon”.
Just to clarify that part :wink:.

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Tower of Acrophobia


Definistrator’s Folly

Bottom pic reminds me of a grand casino without the slot machines. Looks very elegant on the inside

There are some pretty nice ideas there, so I might very well do another thread with a Second Bracket poll in a day or two to solidify the best options and adding the suggested one.

Raxxian Reach sounds pretty good. :wink: :+1:

Isn’t Sisyphus the guy who’s damned to roll a giant stone up a flight of stairs, only to have it roll down below, leaving him to roll it back up again? Like he’s the embodiment of a futile action leading nowhere?
At first, I was like “How does the tower make him think of Sisyphus? :sweat_smile: but then I went "is it because this tower is fated to disappear once the servers are shut down by Square Enix? :rofl:

Uh, reminds me of how Creativerse also has placeable objects called Beacons, but used ONLY to send a beam of light in a direction which makes them work as a sort of lighthouse. Also very useful as construction tools when you rotate them 90° to see where two lines cross, to plan things ahead.
Anyway, yeah “The Beacon” is a pretty nice idea too!

(answer withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

And the tower is barely at what? 140-ish blocks altitude? And so far, it’s fairly well closed-off inside, not like you’re balancing on suspended beams…
There’s about a hundred more blocks to go, and I’m planing to have the hanging gardens more destructured and opened! Imagine what it’ll be when we’re all the way up!
To give you an idea, some of my inspirations would be the garden-zones of Prince of Persia Warrior Within and The Two Thrones (you know, back when Ubisoft used to make solid offline solo-game without DLCs or in-game stores and ‘time-savers’) and Sonic Generations’ Sky Sanctuary levels (both the modern style and the Classic 2D-scroller style). The music of that level hypes me up to build like nothing else can.
Though the original idea for the tower was to do something inspired by David Xanatos’ skyscrapper from Gargoyles, with a big garden at the top, as if it had been scooped up and placed on top of the structure. Then, I thought I would be 1 or 2 floors away from sky-limit after the crafting/bank floors and that I’d have just enough space for an apartment floor and the garden on top… but I’ve barely passed the midway point. :sweat_smile:

Thank you. :wink:
You can argue that the crafting stations are slot machines.


Kind of reminds me of Tenpenny Tower from Fallout 3, so I’m suggesting that :grin:

I just thought of Sisyphus because all the great builders are usually perfectionists so their builds are never truly finished.

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Is that what Sisyphus was supposed to represent? Uh. Thought he was an allegory for doing something pointless (because the boulder always comes back down).
Perfectionism is a better way to look at it, I suppose, and without sounding too full of myself, I do have that, because I’m always editing stuff, never happy with what I do.

Looking at the box-like shape of the tower, I’ve been thinking for several weeks about asking @HOST to plot a little here and there on the sides of the tower so I could make trees grow out of the structure to break the shape and make the whole thing look 128% better.

Host warned me to be careful while building because I’d reach the mesh limit fast, and I didn’t worry about it enough. Because of that, there is a few specific chunks where I’m at mesh-limit, so I couldn’t fit all the machines I wanted. The whole thing with power-coils, I mean 28 meshes for 1 fully powered machine, that’s kinda nuts. I wish there was something like a “cutting-edge power coil” that generates twice as much power, so that they’d take half the space (and mesh-count).

I even considered asking Host to reclaim the tower so I could make it with a wider base to fit crafting stations differently, more horizontally, and to have most of the height of the build be decorative. But I know he wouldn’t let me press the big red button.

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That reclaim would be a shame.

Give it a round two and make a landscraper…call something like the burrow of madness or something

WIP Tower - following the “he’s never gonna finish” option in the poll :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, actually yeah, the tower bank is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small to fit all the stuff taking dust in Host’s reclaim boxes.

But under the Portal Hub, there is a biiiiiiiiig room with lots of pillars and wooden beams that was supposed to be storage space for people who would’ve come build on what was once my attempt at a Mall. That space was like an open-wound for me, anothe reminder of an attempt at something cool that fell flat.

So I’m taking that space an making a storehouse for Host with more than 800 stone cabinets!

Might be the best description of what the tower currently is, yeah. :rofl:

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or Never Ending Story
could be Never Ending Storey actually :wink:

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The Unending Tower?

Infinity Tower!

Reminds me, another inspiration I forgot I had in mind, Half-life’s Citadel in City17.

Not obvious now, but you’ll see once I’m done with the gardens. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think Sisyphus represents an endless task, but for him it was a mundane punishment, but I think it is similar to a creative perfectionist. Ordinary folk look at a marvelous build and are amazed, but the creator is still thinking of where it can be improved thus a sense of his task being endless.


The Glorious Girth of Gob :rofl:

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