What turns you off playing Boundless?

People just aren’t that welcoming here…it’s not even the games fault truly…Game is a bit slow for my liking yes but when the community insults you and gangs up on you all because you voiced ur opinion on what could be changed during an EARLY ACCESS ALPHA title…it’s like this game can do no wrong…this is the best time to voice your opinion but peoples opinions like mine are shut down so we get no where all because the elitists of this community think because “it’s just in early access” they don’t need to voice their opinions and let the devs do all the work even though the devs have listened time and time again to voice your opinion…ik we don’t have all the solutions but no one should be able to just get knocked down all because some people think others just wanna be spoon fed

To Quote @Havok40k

Now he says this about me. yet during that post I didn’t once through an insult at anyone…but he starts “cleaning” me and what I say yet leaves pictures of a baby with a spoon that was directed at me and so forth