What turns you off playing Boundless?

No furniture (chair and table just way too little)

No interactive props

No ability for us to REALLY bring lore alive in the game - GIVE US PLAYERS THE TOOLS to make real functional dungeons, create truly mysterious places some with danger we can place in these special areas, GIVE US A REASON TO EXPLORE AGAIN.

No new planets. Need more planets rentals, private, and more public

No trains (public transport with ability for stations,etc).

No BLUEPRINTS - we need!!!

No ability to edit/split beacons

No ability to transfer or sell entire beacon

No flags and banners etc with our own graphic emblems

No ability to run faster on roads

No in game voice

No in game automated industry

No automated farming

No way to add life into our cities. We need NPCs we can buy and Program!!!

No MMO aspects

No endgame… I now have the capital and all sorts of wealth. NOW WHAT? Give us fun stuff to do.

No way to cut the grind. Endgame players should have QOL additions the can build to cut down the grind Planter/Harvester robot for farming, wood harvester at a tree farm you own, etc. SHOULD NOT BE LIGHTNING FAST…so that doing it manually is always way faster.

No way to AOE destroy water. give us an AIE BOMBfor water clearing!

No need for oort costs to be so high on longer distances. Lower it to make it less of a drag

No good alternative way to farm oort. We need something!!!



NO NEW HUNTING UPDATE. Event are fun and all but hunting the same 3 creatures the exact same way for a year is very boring. We need oort for portals but yet it is still find meteor someone build tower 90% hang and shoot. 10% run and shoot (while people hanging cutting off shots). We NEED something new not just gleambow.


Have a “boss” at the end. Mega wildstock, spitter, cuttle that takes the group to take down. Just something anything please


Since I have had the game since March this year the only thing that really put me off is the amount of thing we need for crafting. I know we need certain things but let’s be reasonable I go to make certain things and I’m like “ ok I have to go make this to make that to mix this to make that to craft this” and I only want to make some bricks or something :joy::joy: even more so with the new stuff does it have to be this complicated? Honestly !!


Thats the whole point, so you feel awesome when u manage to make your first SS of same color marble lets say, or concrete
And if everything was easy to make it would get really boring…


Well I’d wager the people who find it boring and wouldn’t find it boring that way would be almost split down the middle. Would also wager a lot of people left because of the crafting.

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And I’d wager that if the crafting would be severely dumbed down the people who have left might, possibly come back, tho that seems doubtful that they all will, but the other half will leave…

If everything was easy it’s just a building game, then I could also just run Magica Voxel, don’t need a ‘game’ for it…

Look at what happened to concrete. Am sure the plan was to use a bonding agent for it which is a crafted item, since a handful of people complained about that sorta thing they did not do that. Instead it’s now a recipe that can be made in one go but to not make it too easy it now needs kindling which is in fact way, way worse if you think about it. Easier recipe with a hard to get material vs. a less easy recipe with a crafted material that is in endless supply on permanent worlds…

If crafting was easy it wouldn’t make oort more abundant. It wouldnt remove hunting. Forging would still be RNG. Getting the materials required would still be the same. And this game already is largely a building game. Also I personally am not against the kindling mass that’s required. It’s not a lot to do a mass. And I have a good amount of it from just grabbing some from two exos. As I don’t farm and it’s generally sold out at the decent prices.

But now this is going off topic and we should stop here or make a new thread for this kind of discussion.

Forging is also a form of crafting, it’s highly doubtful that if they would dumb down crafting that they would keep forging the same. And then gathering the materials becomes easy. And if these things are being dumbed down to cater to the more casual players then it’s not a stretch to think they will dumb down other parts as well and in the end we will have a totally different game!

Sure some changes to the crafting might be a good idea but to make it suddenly really rather easy is the other opposite which many would not like. Look at the outrage of the simpilification of marble!

A masscraft only needs 9 shreds, yes, only gives you 50 blocks. And for someone who normally likes to buy his stuff it’s kinda odd that you’re forgetting how a concrete shop, like I’m running, is severely hampered by the availability of it!

I can craft quite a lot of it every 4 days but if stuff sells fast suddenly which happened last weekend I was stuck for 2 days waiting on my plants to mature before I could make more…

And no, I do not have a small farm :wink:

Nope, it’s very on-topic since dumbing down everything in the game would very much turn me off playing Boundless…

Plus, if you did really feel that it was off-topic you would have better shot me a PM and not trying to not make me reply on this thread which I so do find annoying when people do :wink:

Only put what turns me off a bit we don’t need to start a whole conversation on crafting materials :rofl::rofl: but thanks for your reply’s on the matter…to me its still a bit of a grind…end of subject :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hi everyone, just a friendly reminder that this thread is intended as a place to safely and constructively leave negative feedback about the game, and is not intended as the place to discuss that feedback or solutions to it.

We have a great and helpful community here and I understand the desire to help someone who is having frustration with the game. Instead, I encourage you to do a few other things besides reply here; create a new topic, or maybe introduce yourself via DM and help work through a solution that way.

Lastly, bug reports or complaints about broken mechanics are best served in the support category so that a bug report can be made and the problem remedied.

Thanks everyone!


revive this thread!

It’s… never died?

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it hasnt died but i wanna keep it from not dying! so it wont be considered necroposting trying to revive it.



I will add to the thread with this… I love the game! For me, the only real negatives on the Dev’s side would be the server / planet connection sensitivity and the chat system.

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Nothing turns me off from playing boundless it’s a fun game better than minecraft. Better than most. The community is just 10/10 the devs actually listen and makes changes from feedback. It’s one of the greatest


Every time I forge I feel the need to post how it is awful system that just makes u angry. Heal bomb can be so difficult to get at times …it actually sucks…I love the idea of the forge but it is ridiculous. Why even put gums in any more when u get totally random buffs.i love the game…but I am starting to just hate forging. I think a game your playing shouldn’t make u that angry that u just start to hate it. I don’t play game to get angry. I still remember I once used a full stack of deconstruct purely on getting just the opposite of the gum I put in…it’s way too random. I will continue to be persistent but seriously update the forge. It is a great idea… Make the game fun not hard work. I am trying to escape the hard work in real life


Ive been taking a break the last couple months after the farming update just completely burnt me out from the grind if it. I was trying to get the same item returns as before the update which led to having to build some pretty big farms!

Every time i would log on i would spend the first 2 hours harvesting and replanting. In the end i tore everything down and put everything in storage.

I also made the mistake of trying to ask for help on some of the boundless discord channels. A decent amount of the community has become very toxic and hateful towards a lot of the new players trying to learn the game!

I dont know how many times i would ask a serious question only to get a smartass answer or them trying to belittle you! Just sucks when a game that is alot about community has become so hateful that it makes you want to play entirely alone!


me personally I never understood anything at this forge, I tried I lost a lot of time and resources
now I gave up I buy it is simpler