What turns you off playing Boundless?

You’re awesome. I had no idea I could do that. I spent hours yesterday wandering planets never finding what I wanted and logged out upset lol…


You welcome keep going and have fun :blush:


What are you looking for? There are those like me who if we have it, will either give it or sell at a discount, or just meet up and help you harvest it.


Well I built the Star looking building from trailer in Cookie Kingdom Boop


What turns me off from playing is the fact that there hasn’t been an update in almost 2 years. I am still paying to keep my beacon lit, and hoping that the game will get some update. Would be nice to know if I am throwing money into a void.


Nothing in Boundless; my internet connection has been terrible and I broke another key. I stil haven’t figured out how to get the game controller to work with my laptop even though Steam detects it as a Playstation 3 controller. Thre’s always something, but it’s all on my end these days and I miss doing the T6 hunts every day.

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boundless description in steam say:
Boundless is a subscription free MMO maintained by optional in-app purchases.
so when people stop buying optional i-app it stops getting maintained ?
so its a finished game now?


it’s a game surviving through players will to play and spend money on it, as it is a MMO (meaning there are server costs to keep it online)

it’s finished when players are finished with it :pensive: :slightly_frowning_face:

I would like to post a general complaint regarding the vagueness of the amount of weeks in the expression “in the coming weeks”.
That is all.


can we have a update with new stuff and can you get new music and skins maybe let us have some pets to look after and maybe ride also y are you no telling the world about the game so more people can join us i first started playing this game in 2018 and it was fun meeting new people everyone helping out now the no one around it not fun the lag in the game and last we need more special event and longer


The lag in game is what kills it for me. I can run the local universe with no lag whatsoever.
I love being in the main universe and talking with people, but if it’s a choice between socializing and having a stable game, I’m going with a stable game.

my connection is laggy and awful, plus several keys in the WASD area fell apart once i started doing T6 hunts ;D

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I’m only on my sov mostly and some times the lag is unplayable.


Aw, that’s terrible, but I laughed at the thought of you frantically pounding those movement keys in a hunt so hard the keyboard fell apart. :laughing:

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I hate having to wait weeks for a rift exo to spawn just so I can complete an objective that somehow didn’t complete all previous times I was on rift exos.

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yep that’s pretty much it; laughing keeps me sane too :smiley:

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What turns me off is that many years have gone by and my in game reports have been ignored about an important subject topic i can’t mention because i’ll be punished for making the complaint here when i’m being ignored by admins in private messages and in game submitted reports

But reach out to @tiggs and @monty1 They run the show now…Maybe they can take note and have the new team handle it, when more members are added and such!


you mean ingame ? or only on forums ? they are not on the list - admins etc

DM them on the forums. @tiggs has liked my response so she is prepped and aware :slight_smile: The transition period has started and even then…they stated it would take a few weeks for things to transition over.