What world gives the best experience when hunting?

I can only assume it would be a Tier III world. What’s the best strategy for maximizing experience while hunting? Is there a Tier III world that has higher spawns of high-experience-yielding creatures? Or a Tier III world with easier-to-navigate topography that allows for more creature kills? Combat veterans - I’m curious.

Don’t go to Vulpto, that has lower tier creatures that somewhere like Munteen, or Nasharil, or Alturnik. The other 3 have around the same experience I believe, pick one where the creatures wont resist your slingbow!

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Join the portal seeker hunts! it gives you the most reward to hunt it a group :smile:
And its adviced to go to every planet that has a elemental. it shall drop elemantal shards which you need for recipies like slingbows.

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I always wonder why Vulpto has weaker mobs. Probably to balance out its toxicity?

maybe because that could be a place to mine for newer players?

I think it was to balance out the weather there, the extreme fog and all that… I have no idea really :joy:

It’s probably to help test balancing. There was originally planned to be 5 tiers of worlds (may still be the case), so this may have been to help gauge different difficulty levels

5 tiers of creatures would suggest 5 tiers of worlds, but I vaguely recall someone talking about 9 tiers… dont ask me when and where though :zipper_mouth_face:ne

I can easily imagine levels going like that in future:
HOME WORLD (lvl 1) - mobs lvl1 // normal atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 2 - either mobs level +1 (comparing to hoe world) OR difficult atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 3 - mobs level +1 and difficult atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 4 - mobs level +2 and normal atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 5 - mobs level +2 and difficult atmosphere (eg. Vulpto)
WORLD LEVEL 6 - mobs level +3 and normal atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 7 - mobs level +3 and difficult atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 8 - mobs level +4 and normal atmosphere (eg. Munteen VII)
WORLD LEVEL 9 - mobs level +4 and difficult atmosphere (eg. Nasharil)

One could argue if mobs higher level but normal atmosphere means more difficult than lower level mobs with difficult atmosphere. It could be:

HOME WORLD (lvl 1) - mobs lvl1 // normal atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 2 - either mobs level +1 (comparing to hoe world) OR difficult atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 3 - mobs level +1 and difficult atmosphere OR mobs level +2 and normal atmosphere
WORLD LEVEL 4 - mobs level +2 and difficult atmosphere OR mobs level +3 and normal atmosphere (e.g. Vulpto)
WORLD LEVEL 5 - mobs level +3 and difficult atmosphere OR mobs level +4 and normal atmosphere (e.g. Munteen VII)
WORLD LEVEL 6 - mobs level +4 and difficult atmosphere (e.g. Nasharil)

That actually makes more sense to me now.
However, atmosphere difficulty could be seen in levels: only tough weather conditions (visibility, fogs or very long nights etc.) would be easier than toxic atmosphere. That would then raise world level numbers again.

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