What's happening with DK Mall?

@CaptAmerica1611 I :eye: you

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I would agree, why I feel the Showroom was such a great concept back in the day and hated to see it go.


Sorry for the glass :rofl::joy::rofl: but wanted more road details and not hinder shops to much :wink:.

Also center of the new hub has stairs going all the way to ground level.
(As for every portal expansion the hub will expand down. Also why i used glass there :wink:)

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Personally, I think plain glass should only be used for vertical surfaces, not floors, unless you’re actually going for the whole “I wanna trick people into thinking there’s no floor”.
But I find it fine if you do borders around it. Like 1 ornated border, 1 stylished border, 1 ornated border, and the rest in plain. That way you have some kind of buffer between what’s not in glass and what’s in glass.


@Goblinounours I too just get on BUTT, look for the shop selling the items I want for the cheapest price and make my way to it. If it is on a Homeworld I just go to TNT and hit the Homeworld Portal to it unless I know there is a portal directly to it.

Sadly and luckily, I play a lot and know pretty much every portal in TNT. I know I can go to Foxy’s and get marble through a her portal, I know I can go through many other portals doing this same thing. I do however come across some that I have no idea how to get to and that does get annoying and I question if grappling 1000m-2000m is truly worth it when just saving a slight amount over another shop I know how to find.

As far as DK Mall, I didn’t design the original mall, but I do dig the idea of a mall in the sky. I have had my fair share of falling through holes and dying and various other quirks in the mall, but the holes are mostly due to a shop disappearing, I guess I could call that a failure in design. I think placing the mall at max height was pretty ingenious in some ways.

I will be honest though and maybe it’s because I’m a softie or such a history buff it is quite sad for me to see the state of the old areas of DK Mall. I was really hoping to try and save the mall in some ways and in some ways I have, but overall the lack of population just doesn’t support the sheer size of the mall anymore. I would say in it current state the mall may have a total of 30-40 active shops when it supports about 200ish if I recall.

Was the design perfect? Nah? Is it overkill for the population now? Yea… nonetheless… that mall will always have a place in history for me.


Yeah, I’m certainly not going to argue against wishing to keep builds alive, ESPECIALLY now that the game’s population has gotten lower. I’ve always been on the side of the fence which prefers to keep builds alive when they’re artistic-projects.

Though I won’t lie, if I had no other project on the horizon, I would love to tackle a Mall project.

But... maybe not.

I’m still very much ashamed of how I stopped working on @majorvex’s Gyosha Mall’s street. I tried, but my IRL work + the snow glitching through glass panes + having to craft the blocks all by myself with my own ressources as a solo-player + at one point I lost contact with Majorvex and thought she was actively ghosting me (while she herself had IRL stuff to deal with). The snow glitch really was the thing that killed me, and how devs basically told me “yeah, we know, it happens because of this and that” - “ok, but are you going to fix that bug? Snow shouldn’t pass through glass.” - “Yeah… no.” - that and the recent fog/dust-storm server issue " FIX " convinced me 249 ain’t coming.

And then I left the game for a while, gave my build to Host, came back to try to help a little bit, then started to help a little more, than I went “you know, I could make you a cool-looking tower there” and that turned into a 4-5 months project… not gonna drop that one otherwise I’d hate myself. :rofl:


Regardless of the past issues … glad to have another player back.


Plain glass floors would be fine if they improved the rendering so that it actually looked like glass (i.e. with some simple shine, reflection and/or refraction) rather than just a slight colour change.

But that would require someone to actually be developing the game engine…


Agreed that should be the overall viewpoint. I’ve had my disagreements with a variety of people but I always believe in the end we could move past the situation we didn’t align on and at least still find a way to enjoy the game together and support each other’s efforts.


Yeah, I absolutely hate glass floors. I tend to jump over the glass and run on the solid blocks.


I dont even get malls… I get market places and smaller kiosk systems…ye Maybe Gyosha Mall was Only one that worked properly as there was enough players To Carry it and it was the first mall.

After Gyosha Mall… Many… Even too many were popping like flies as everyone noticed that could be a great footfall For them. There was no demand For so many malls as it was mainly “hey we have a mall now Then you went there and basically what you saw was all the guild members selling their stuff and leaving so called” scrap shopplots For other players".

I dont think malls are part of the game… I think Gyosha Mall had the right idea as there was like 200 Shop places In one point plotted.

At this current state i Feel like smaller market places are way To go For now.

This obviously is my personal opinion.


I think one central mall would be ok. I know when I first started DK Mall was the first mall I saw. There were very few ashed plots if any at all. I’d be willing to bet it had a good 150+ shops easily.

I know I watched a ton of good shops drop though in all the malls. It’s really just time to condense them all down and try and make one mall everyone can visit.

I rly dont like how mall became mainstreet… I think many EA player would fully agree with This.

Also i think malls destroyed many People businesses… It wasnt good enough For People that you had one Shop that had some items… People started To specialize To things To keep up with the malls… As you couldnt complete with nick nack store vs mall that has 10 stores that specialized some specific stuff… You could just walk 20m and theres other stuff you could buy.

As much as I am intrigued by the challenge of it, I must agree.
To me, malls are the land of inconvenience.
Just now, I wanted to find some gleam colors, and my go-to is always @ellyphant’s Gleam Farm Hub (great design, nice looking, easy to use, fantastic prices :clap:).
But there are colors missing, so then I go to malls, and I just run in circles, most often coming back home empty-handed, having wasted my time.
If you’re looking for specific colors, malls are hell.


Yeah, colours are tricky to find, even using BUTT. I’m trying to create a market that stocks all the colours of most main building materials, buying and selling at reasonable prices… building up stock slowly. Check it out on Lasaina via TNT.


I think the main problem is the game itself when it comes to trying to find items. I should be able to search for a block and it’s color not just the block. I also like the idea of malls and the competition it creates. It creates an economy that is pretty fun at times.

BUTT more or less tanks the economy for the most part. If you want to sell stuff, people will go to BUTT first then see where it is cheapest and go buy from there… be it in a mall or not. So the argument of a store being in a mall or not kind of becomes null and void.

Having a specialty shop also doesn’t work because you run into the same issue whether in the same mall or anywhere in the Boundless universe. I have a concrete shop and I know of 1 or 2 others that are great. There used to be a few others, but I’d promote them just as much as I promoted myself. No reason not too as it just helps the economy.

Want to find some gleam colors @Goblinounours it’s going to be a difficult road especially for any of the Gleambow colors… I know from experience having gone through the process of building 3 different colors storage ideas since I’ve been playing. I have my goto places for gleam, it used Roxie’s and sure there used to be a heck of a lot more gleamballs in Elly’s, but the game and it’s population prevents that from being much bigger.

Needless to say… regardless I don’t think malls destroyed peoples businesses, but I don’t know that it really helped them either. Having multiple malls though make people feel they need to make multiple shops in order to compete and sell things.

BUTT though … sigh as much as I love it… makes you nearly have to sell something so low you take a loss…

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I’d love to have a city with a few good priced shops that specialise in specific items, with active request baskets. So people who want to sell stuff, don’t feel like they have to open another shop at another mall.

And with the Knowledge tab Buy and Sell list, there’s no benefit to loads of different shops, as people are always gonna go to the cheapest/most stocked shops. (Which is annoying when they are 1000m away, but still in the same mall)


The game never had a good economic model unfortunately. Obviously there are other issues as well and all of them, in my view, merge together to just create a mess. I think shops are good ideas but in an infinite resource model it doesn’t help much.

The original design and assumptions from the game developers was that people would have more localized trade supply chains. You’d see groups of people from higher tier stay in that tier for stuff and there would be smaller trade channels between each of planets or tier zones. They did not plan or conceive that we would have an universal centralized hub that would make access to everything a few steps or portals away. They just laid the wrong ground work and system for something that didn’t happen due to emergent game play. Unfortunately, no time has really been able to be put towards revamping that.

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Yea this exactly. I can only bet they never expected a huge number of hubs popping up like they did. In the end though, I am pretty happy they did. I mean it’s a double-edged sword though, while it’s easier to travel and easier to find hidden corners of the universe I am sure huge hubs created some bottlenecks like Circapous I hitting max player counts and hubs creating lag etc.

Needless to say, game economies are hard. There is a whole lot that has to go into making them work and even then finding the correct balance to prevent hyperinflation is hard if not impossible. Games tend to have to take coins, and most of the time, items out of the economy so that the coins and items do not use value.

As an example, coins are taken out of most MMOs by NPC repair shops or NPC’s selling items or taxes on trades or auction house taxes. Ever wonder where the coins given to NPCs or taxes go? They get taken out of the game completely.

Some have item shops where it takes in-game currency as well as real money. Items get removed too. Sometimes you might make something like a teaching pie… you take all the ingredients it takes to make it and put them into a machine and then all those ingredients get removed from the economy. Thus making the ingredients value higher.

Removal of coins from the economy means the value of the coins are higher. You have to do this or you have everyone with billions of coins and the economy tanks. It’s a difficult balance…

Yeah they didn’t… it was all emergent game play. I asked James specifically about some of this and he said roughly the original lead architect expected more isolated areas of the universe because Oort is rare, we didn’t have meteor hunts, etc…

But once people really started banding together some and then I ran the first larger scale coordinated hunts to gather Oort reserves for more people we ended up getting meteors and the whole dynamic even changed more than some of the original centralized hubs and specific hubs that were able to survive prior to that.

I’ve always believed we shouldn’t have had coins or at least footfall and moved towards contracts and other ways that people can barter/trade. There just was too much push for the economy stuff without really the robustness and maturity that is needed to make it of value in the long run… I kind of wish none of that stuff existed and it was more of just a building game. But since there was a strong belief they could build a MMO game I see why those things needed to exist.