What's your Bartle playertype(s)? [Poll]

Didn’t think I’d be an AEKS, but there it is!

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If we went by what the media stated and many believed, as I did at the time of the Columbine event, the majority of people in the United States would be violent murders who killed without a thought or care for the damage and pain they would cause.
If you look at the percentage of school age kids in high school, who are going through puberty when their emotions are in more control than their reasoning then why are they not murdering each other? We do have school shooting, I won’t deny that and it is horrible. But, if it were games, we wouldn’t have one kid in a school killing some we would have the majority killing each other and the innocent bystanders.

Studies have shown since then that the media, as usual, were making false statements to get attention and people to watch their stations, buy their newspapers and not care about how accurate they were. Basically, I don’t Ever believe what I hear on the news, they care about rating, not the people they are reporting on.

Here is one for you that was about the good benefit of eating chocolate How the “chocolate diet” hoax fooled millions. Just type that in a search and see what you find. Then you will see how easy it is to create fake studies. And the media will fall for it every time.
I’d give the link to that article, but for some reason most of the time I give links they don’t work. Just type in the title and you will find the article.

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You are 80% Achiever

What Bartle says:

:diamonds: Achievers regard points-gathering and rising in levels as their main goal, and all is ultimately subserviant to this. Exploration is necessary only to find new sources of treasure, or improved ways of wringing points from it. Socialising is a relaxing method of discovering what other players know about the business of accumulating points, that their knowledge can be applied to the task of gaining riches. Killing is only necessary to eliminate rivals or people who get in the way, or to gain vast amounts of points (if points are awarded for killing other players).

You are also:

53% Explorer

40% Socialiser

27% Killer

This result may be abbreviated as AESK

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I am an AKES, that explains why I like to go on hunts :laughing:

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Yea I am not a fan of PVP either, but PVM is really fun