When forging how do you know how much damage your tool/weapon will have?

Looking at some of the tools and weapons I have been forging one thing that always confuses me (well, this one is top of the list of confused) is how to tell how much damage the tool or weapon will do so I know whether to set it and forge it or deconstruct it.

I forge a fist and after it has finished forging it has - 846 damage, that to me doesn’t sound good.

To me, this means it is lower in the ability to do damage and thus less in value. I don’t want to do less, I want to do more.

How do I know how much damage it will do before I set it?

Is it as bad as I think it is in the area of damage?

Does a tool/weapon having that much damage loss important to it’s value or does it not matter?

It’s the aoe (called flaker’s something in the forge), affect all adjecent buff that’s reducing it. And on fists it’s bugged and does nothing else than reduce damage, afaik.

Most use
to see how the buffs will affect the damage of a weapon/tool

edit: Could the aoe buff please be removed from spanners and fists until it actually works? Right now it’s just a defect.

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I wish it had just been fixed in this current testing iteration, since they were already having a pass over other forging stuff anyway… would have been a good opportunity to look at it in more detail, surely. :slightly_frowning_face:


Would love for it to be removed also.

There is no way to check before setting the forge. However, the AOE boon is the only boon that reduces damage on tools and fists. You have to have at least a lvl 8 Devastating Damage boon to get back in the positive from Lvl 4 AOE. The level of DD needed to compensate for the loss depends on the lvl of AOE.

I hope that helps. Remember though that the damage only has to meet your needs, so lower than base damage on a tool is not always bad.

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You are right about forging to need. I forge AOE 4 onto iron with nothing else to farm soil/leaves/sand on T1s. Just need a level 1 str brew to 1 shot =)

Titanium with just aoe can 1-hit on T1 too, it’s a really cheap forge too! :slight_smile: If you dislike brews :smiley:


And to add onto Mayumichi’s post, you can then add on some other cool effects like durability and speed so you can literally tear the surface of a planet for a long time.

Exactly! I like dura + magnet + aoe combo as the gums can only target the 3 wanted boons so the chance of failure is relatively low. If I ever get enough oort to constantly keep my farm portals open, those would be the tools I’d sell to people. Budget tools ftw :smiley:

Right now I am getting some low AOEs, not high but good. And I think a really good gold fist, but not sure. One good shovel but one that is not as high in durability and other areas.

I do know that I don’t want auto harvest on my hammers or shovels. Do want them on the fists and slingbows.

I’m feeling more confident in what I do, have deconstructed a hammer several times as it keeps getting the magnet and I don’t want that and it will put it back on and I have to deconstruct it again, that is using up vigor and so end up just deconstructing it after the third time.